Sarracenia v03 Notification Message Format/Protocol
- Manual section:
- Date:
Jan 28, 2025
- Version:
- Manual group:
STATUS: Stable/Default
Sarracenia version 2 notification messages are the previous standard, used for terabytes and millions of files per day of transfers. Version 3 is a proposal for a next iteration of Sarracenia notification messages.
Most fields and their meaning is the same in version 3 as it was in version 2. Some fields are changing as the protocol is exposed to wider review than previously.
The change in payload protocol is targetted at simplifying future implementations and enabling use by messaging protocols other than pre-1.0 AMQP. See v03 Changes for more details.
To generate notification messages in v03 format, use following setting:
post_topicPrefix v03
To select notification messages to consume in that format:
topicPrefix v03
Version 03 format of file change notification messages for sr_post.
An sr3_post notification message consists of a topic, and the BODY
AMQP Topic: <version>.{<dir>.}
<version> = "v03" the version of the protocol or format.
"post" = the type of notification message within the protocol.
<dir> = a sub-directory leading to the file (perhaps many directories deep)
BODY: { <headers> } (JSON encoding.)
The headers are an array of name:value pairs:
"pubTime" - - UTC date/timestamp.
"baseUrl" - root of the url to download.
"relPath" - relative path can be catenated to <base_url>
one of:
"identity" - for changes in file contents, an identifier for de-duplication purposes.
"method" : "md5" | "sha512" | "cod" | "random" ,
"value" : "base64 encoded checksum value"
"fileOp" - to describe non-data file update operations.
"link" : "symbolic link value (target) string"
"remove" : "" - flag present when removing a file (argument ignored.)
"hlink" : "hardlink value string (file being linked to.)"
"rename" : "name of file before rename."
"directory": "" - flag presend for directory creation and remove events.
nothing... If neither of these is present, then duplication
suppression will rely on supplied meta data, such as the modification
time, the size, and the publication Time to prevent loops.
It is strongly recommended that all data services provide identity
checksums. Failure to do so results in a data service than cannot
be reliably replicated.
both may be present in cases where file content is being updated, as
well as metadata.
for GeoJSON compatibility:
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": RFC 7946 (geoJSON) compatible geographic specification.
"size" - the number of bytes being advertised.
"blocks" - if the file being advertised is partitioned, then:
"method" : "inplace" | "partitioned" , - is the file already in parts?
"size" : "9999", - nominal number of bytes in each block.
"number" : "9999", - which block is this.
"manifest" - metadata for each block in the file.
0: { - size and checksum of each block in the file.
"size": 9999, - may not match blocksize (e.g. last block of file.)
"identity": encoded checksum of block (same format as identity value)
"atime" : date string - last access time of a file (optional)
"mtime" : date string - last modification time of a file (optional)
"mode" : mode string - permission bits (optional)
"rename" - name to write file locally.
"retrievePath" - relative retrieval path can be catenated to <base_url> to override relPath
used for API cases.
"topic" - copy of topic from AMQP header (in the envelope in protocol messages)
"source" - the originating entity of the notification message.
"from_cluster" - the originating cluster of a notification message.
"to_clusters" - a destination specification.
"content" - for smaller files, the content may be embedded.
"encoding" : "utf-8" | "base64" | "iso-8859-1" ,
"value" " "encoded file content"
Note that the iso-8859-1 encoding is only an allowance for legacy data flows.
Should normally not be used.
"contentType" : "string" - MIME-type information referring to the data.
For "" topic notification messages the following addtional
headers will be present:
"report" { "code": 999 - HTTP style response code.
"timeCompleted": "" - UTC date/timestamp.
"message" : - status report message documented in `Report Messages`_
additional user defined name:value pairs are permitted.
The parts header has not yet been reviewed by others. We started on the discussion of size, but there was no conclusion.
Sources create notification messages in the sr_post format to announce file changes. Subscribers read the post to decide whether a download of the content being announced is warranted. This manual page completely describes the format of those notification messages. The notification messages are payloads for an Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) message bus, but file data transport is separate, using more common protocols such as SFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP (or other?). Files are transported as pure byte streams, no metadata beyond the file contents is transported (permission bits, extended attributes, etc…). Permissions of files on the destination system are upto the receiver to decide.
With this method, AMQP messages provide a ‘control plane’ for data transfers. While each notification message is essentially point to point, data pumps can be transitively linked together to make arbitrary networks. Each posting is consumed by the next hop in the chain. Each hop re-advertises (creates a new post for) the data for later hops. The notification messages flow in the same direction as the data. If consumers permit it, report messages also flow through the control path, but in the opposite direction, allowing sources to know the entire disposition of their files through a network.
The minimal layer over raw AMQP provides more complete file transfer functionality:
- Source Filtering (use of TOPIC exchanges)
The notification messages make use of topic exchanges from AMQP, where topics are hierarchies meant to represent subjects of interest to a consumer. A consumer may upload the selection criteria to the broker so that only a small subset of postings are forwarded to the client. When there are many users interested in only small subsets of data, the savings in traffic are large.
- Fingerprint Winnowing (use of the identity header)
Each product has an identity fingerprint and size intended to identify it uniquely, referred to as a fingerprint. If two files have the same fingerprint, they are considered equivalent. In cases where multiple sources of equivalent data are available but downstream consumers would prefer to receive single notification messages of files, intermediate processes may elect to publish notifications of the first product with a given fingerprint, and ignore subsequent ones. Propagating only the first occurrence of a datum received downstream, based on its fingerprint, is termed: Fingerprint Winnowing.
Fingerprint Winnowing is the basis for a robust strategy for high availability: setting up multiple sources for the same data, consumers accept notification messages from all of them, but only forwarding the first one received downstream. In normal operation, one source may be faster than the others, and so the other sources’ files are usually ‘winnowed’. When one source disappears, the other sources’ data is automatically selected, as the fingerprints are now fresh and used, until a faster source becomes available.
The advantage of this method for high availability is that no A/B decision is required. The time to switchover is zero. Other strategies are subject to considerable delays in making the decision to switchover, and pathologies one could summarize as flapping, and/or deadlocks.
Fingerprint Winnowing also permits mesh-like, or any to any networks, where one simply interconnects a node with others, and notification messages propagate. Their specific path through the network is not defined, but each participant will download each new datum from the first node that makes it available to them. Keeping the notification messages small and separate from data is optimal for this usage.
- Partitioning (use of the parts Header)
In any store and forward data pumping network that transports entire files limits the maximum file size to the minimum available on any intervening node. To avoid defining a maximum file size, a segmentation standard is specified, allowing intervening nodes to hold only segments of the file, and forward them as they are received, rather than being forced to hold the entire file.
Partitioning also permits multiple streams to transfer portions of the file in parallel. Multiple streams can provide an effective optimization over long links.
In topic based AMQP exchanges, every notification message has a topic header. AMQP defines the ‘.’ character as a hierarchical separator (like ‘' in a windows path name, or ‘/’ on linux) there is also a pair of wildcards defined by the standard: ‘*’ matches a single topic, ‘#’ matches the rest of the topic string. To allow for changes in the notification message body in the future, topic trees begin with the version number of the protocol.
AMQP allows server side topic filtering using wildcards. Subscribers specify topics of interest (which correspond to directories on the server), allowing them to pare down the number of notifications sent from server to client.
The root of the topic tree is the version specifier: “v03”. Next comes the notification message type specifier. These two fields define the protocol that is in use for the rest of the notification message. The notification message type for notification messages is “post”. After the fixed topic prefix, the remaining sub-topics are the path elements of the file on the web server. For example, if a file is placed on, then the complete topic of the notification message will be: v03.a.b.c.d AMQP fields are limited to 255 characters, and the characters in the field are utf8 encoded, so actual length limit may be less than that.
Sarracenia relies on brokers to interpret the topic header. Brokers interpret protocol
specific headers *AMQP), and will not efficiently decode the payload to extract headers.
Therefore the topic header is stored in an AMQP header, rather than the payload to permit
server-side filtering. To avoid sending the same information twice, this header is
omitted from the JSON payload.
Many client-side implementation will, once the notification message is loaded, set the *topic* header
in the in-memory structure, so it would be very unwise to to set the *topic* header
in an application even though it isn't visible in the on-wire payload.
Mapping to MQTT
One goal of v03 format is to have a payload format that works with more than just AMQP. Message Queing Telemetry Transport (MQTT v3.11) is an iso standard ( protocol that can easily support the same pub/sub messaging pattern, but a few details differ, so a mapping is needed.
Firstly, the topic separate in MQTT is a forward slash (/), instead of the period (.) used in AMQP.
Second, with AMQP, one can establish separate topic hierarchies using topic-based exchanges. MQTT has no similar concept, there is simply one hierarchy, so when mapping, place the exchange name at the root of the topic hierarchy to achieve the same effect:
AMQP: Exchange: <exchange name>
topic: v03.<directory>...
MQTT: topic: <exchange name>/v03/<directory>...
The notification message is a single JSON encoded array, with a mandatory set of fields, while allowing for use of arbitrary other fields. Mandatory fields must be present in every notification message, and
“pubTime” : “<date stamp>” : the publication date the posting was emitted. Format: YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS. <decimalseconds>
Note: The datestamp is always in the UTC timezone.
“baseUrl” : “<base_url>” – the base URL used to retrieve the data.
“relPath” : “<relativepath>” – the variable part of the URL, usually appended to baseUrl.
The URL consumers will use to download the data. Example of a complete URL:
Additional fields:
The from_cluster header defines the name of the source cluster where the data was introduced into the network. It is used to return the logs back to the cluster whenever its products are used.
fileOp { ‘link’: <value of symbolic link>
When file to transfer is a symbolic link, the ‘link’ header is created to contain its value.
size and blocks
"size":<sz> , "blocks" : { "method": "inplace" or "partitioned", "size": <bsz>, "count": <blktot>, "remainder": <brem>, "number": <bno> }
header indicating the method and parameters for partitioning applied for the file. Partitioning is used to send a single file as a collection of segments, rather than as a single entity. Partitioning is used to accelerate transfers of large data sets by using multiple streams, and/or to reduce storage use for extremely large files.
When transferring partitioned files, each partition is advertised and potentially transported independently across a data pumping network.
Indicates what partitioning method, if any, was used in transmission.
p - partitioned
File is partitioned, individual part files are created.
i - inplace
File is partitioned, but blocks are read from a single file, rather than parts.
1 - <sizeonly>
File is in a single part (no partitioning). in v03, only size header will be present. blocks is omitted
analogous to rsync options: –inplace, –partial,
<blocksize in bytes>: bsz
The number of bytes in a block. When using method 1, the size of the block is the size of the file. Remaining fields only useful for partitioned files.
<blocks in total>: blktot the integer total number of blocks in the file (last block may be partial)
<remainder>: brem normally 0, on the last block, remaining bytes in the file to transfer.
- – if (fzb=1 and brem=0)
then bsz=fsz in bytes in bytes. – entire files replaced. – this is the same as rsync’s –whole-file mode.
<block#>: bno 0 origin, the block number covered by this posting.
The relative path from the current directory in which to place the file.
fileOp { ‘rename’:<path> … }
when a file is renamed at the source, to send it to subscribers, two notification messages result: one notification message is announced with the new name as the base_url, and the oldname header set to the previous file name. Another notification message is sent with the old name as the src path, and the newname as a header. This ensures that accept/reject clauses are correctly interpreted, as a rename may result in a download if the former name matches a reject clause, or a file removal if the new name matches a reject clause.
Hard links are also handled as an ordinary post of the file with a hlink header set.
Note that directories and links can be renamed not just regular files. The fileOp field will have ‘rename’ and ‘link’ or ‘directory’ elements in that case.
The identity field gives a checksum useful for identifying the contents of a file:
"identity" : { "method" : <method>, "value": <value> }
The identity field is a signature computed to allow receivers to determine if they have already downloaded the product from elsewhere.
<method> - string field indicating the checksum method used.
No checksums (unconditional copy.) Skips reading file (faster)
arbitrary, application defined value which cannot be calculated
Checksum the entire data (MD-5 as per IETF RFC 1321)
Checksum the entire data (SHA512 as per IETF RFC 6234)
Checksum on download, with algorithm as argument Example: cod,sha512 means download, applying SHA512 checksum, and advertise with that calculated checksum when propagating further.
Checksum with some other algorithm, named <name> <name> should be registered in the data pumping network. Registered means that all downstream subscribers can obtain the algorithm to validate the checksum.
- <value> The value is computed by applying the given method to the partition being transferred.
for algorithms for which no value makes sense, a random integer is generated to support checksum based load balancing.
Report Messages
Some clients may return telemetry to the origin of downloaded data for troubleshooting and statistical purposes. Such notification messages, have the topic, and have a report header which is a JSON object with four fields:
{ “elapsedTime”: <report_time>, “resultCode”: <report_code>, “host”: <report_host>, “user”: <report_user>* }
<report_code> result codes describe in the next session
<report_time> time the report was generated.
<report_host> hostname from which the retrieval was initiated.
<report_user> broker username from which the retrieval was initiated.
Report messages should never include the content header (no file embedding in reports.)
The report code is a three digit status code, adopted from the HTTP protocol ( RFC 2616) encoded as text. As per the RFC, any code returned should be interpreted as follows:
2xx indicates successful completion,
3xx indicates further action is required to complete the operation.
4xx indicates a permanent error on the client prevented a successful operation.
5xx indicates a problem on the server prevented successful operation.
FIXME: need to validate whether our use of error codes co-incides with the general intent expressed above… does a 3xx mean we expect the client to do something? does 5xx mean that the failure was on the broker/server side?
The specific error codes returned, and their meanings are implementation-dependent. For the sarracenia implementation, the following codes are defined:
Code |
Corresponding text and meaning for sarracenia implementation |
201 |
Download successful. (variations: Downloaded, Inserted, Published, Copied, or Linked) |
203 |
Non-Authoritative Information: transformed during download. |
205 |
Reset Content: truncated. File is shorter than originally expected (changed length during transfer) This only arises during multi-part transfers. |
205 |
Reset Content: checksum recalculated on receipt. |
304 |
Not modified (Checksum validated, unchanged, so no download resulted.) |
307 |
Insertion deferred (writing to temporary part file for the moment.) |
417 |
Expectation Failed: invalid message (corrupt headers) |
496 |
failure: During send, other protocol failure. |
497 |
failure: During send, other protocol failure. |
499 |
Failure: Not Copied. SFTP/FTP/HTTP download problem |
499 |
Failure: Not Copied. SFTP/FTP/HTTP download problem |
503 |
Service unavailable. delete (File removal not currently supported.) |
503 |
Unable to process: Service unavailable |
503 |
Unsupported transport protocol specified in posting. |
xxx |
Message and file validation status codes are script dependent |
Other Report Fields
<report_message> a string.
Optional Headers
for the file mirroring use case, additional headers will be present:
man 2 stat - the linux/unix standard file metadata: access time, modification time, and permission (mode bits) the times are in the same date format as the pubTime field. the permission string is four characters intended to be interpreted as traditional octal linux/unix permissions.
Headers which are unknown to a given broker MUST be forwarded without modification.
Sarracenia provides a mechanism for users to include arbitrary other headers in notification messages, to amplify metadata for more detailed decision making about downloading data. For example:
"PRINTER" : "name_of_corporate_printer",
"GeograpicBoundingBox" :
"top_left" : { "lat": 40.73, "lon": -74.1 } ,
"bottom_right": { "lat": -40.01, "lon": -71.12 }
would permit the client to apply more elaborate and precise client side filtering, and/or processing. Intervening implementation may know nothing about the header, but they should not be stripped, as some consumers may understand and process them.
MQTT TOPIC: exchange/v03/NRDPS/GIF/
Body: { "pubTime": "201506011357.345", "baseUrl": "sftp://afsiext@cmcdataserver", "relPath": "/data/NRPDS/outputs/NRDPS_HiRes_000.gif",
"rename": "NRDPS/GIF/", "parts":"p,457,1,0,0", "identity" : { "method":"md5", "value":"<md5sum-base64>" }, "source": "ec_cmc" }
- v03 - version of protocol
- post - indicates the type of notification message
- version and type together determine format of following topics and the notification message body.
- blocksize is 457 (== file size)
- block count is 1
- remainder is 0.
- block number is 0.
- d - checksum was calculated on the body of the file.
- complete source URL specified (does not end in '/')
- relative path specified for
pull from:
complete relative download path:
-- takes file name from base_url.
-- may be modified by validation process.
Another example
The post resulting from the following sr3 watch command, noticing creation of the file ‘foo’:
sr3_post --sleep 10 --pbu s --path /data/shared/products/foo --pb amqp://
Here, sr_watch checks if the file /data/shared/products/foo is modified. When it happens, sr_watch reads the file /data/shared/products/foo and calculates its checksum. It then builds a notification message, logs into as user ‘guest’ (default credentials) and sends the post to defaults vhost ‘/’ and exchange ‘sx_guest’ (default exchange).
A subscriber can download the file /data/shared/products/foo by logging in as user stanley on using the sftp protocol to assuming he has proper credentials.
The output of the command is as follows
AMQP Topic:
MQTT Topic: <exchange>/v03/20150813/data/shared/products
Body: { "pubTime":"20150813T161959.854", "baseUrl":"s",
"relPath": "/data/shared/products/foo", "parts":"1,256,1,0,0",
"sum": "d,25d231ec0ae3c569ba27ab7a74dd72ce", "source":"guest" }
Posts are published on AMQP topic exchanges, meaning every notification message has a topic header. The body consists of a time 20150813T161959.854, followed by the two parts of the retrieval URL. The headers follow with first the parts, a size in bytes 256, the number of block of that size 1, the remaining bytes 0, the current block 0, a flag d meaning the md5 checksum is performed on the data, and the checksum 25d231ec0ae3c569ba27ab7a74dd72ce.
Optimization Possibilities
optimization goal is for readabilty and ease of implementation, much more than efficiency or performance. There are many optimizations to reduce overheads of various sorts, all of which will increase implementation complexity. examples: gzip the payload would save perhaps 50% size, also grouping fixed headers together, (‘body’ header could contain all fixed fields: “pubtime, baseurl, relpath, sum, parts”, and another field ‘meta’ could contain: atime, mtime, mode so there would be fewer named fields and save perhaps 40 bytes of overhead per notice. But all the changes increase complexity, make notification messages more involved to parse.
Sarracenia relies on AMQP pre 1.0 as the 1.0 standard eliminated concepts: broker, exchange, queue, and binding. The 1.0 feature set is below the minimum needed to support Sarracenia’s pub-sub architecture.
MQTT refers to MQTT v5.0 and MQTT v3.1.1, MQTT v5 has important extension: shared subscriptions (heavily used in Sarracenia.) so v5 is highly recommended. v3.1 support is only for legacy support reasons.
JSON is defined by IETF RFC 7159. JSON standard includes mandatory use of UNICODE character set (ISO 10646) JSON default character set is UTF-8, but allows multiple character encodings (UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32), but also prohibits presence of byte order markings (BOM.)
the same as Sarracenia v02, UTF-8 is mandatory. Sarracenia restricts JSON format by requiring of UTF-8 encoding, (IETF RFC 3629) which does not need/use BOM. No other encoding is permitted.
URL encoding, as per IETF RFC 1738, is used to escape unsafe characters where appropriate.
sr3(1) - Sarracenia main command line interface.
sr3_post(1) - post file notification messages (python implementation.)
sr3_cpost(1) - post file announcemensts (C implementation.)
sr3_cpump(1) - C implementation of the shovel component. (copy notification messages)
sr3_credentials(7) - Convert logfile lines to .save Format for reload/resend.
sr3_options(7) - the configuration options
Home Page: - Sarracenia: a real-time pub/sub data sharing management toolkit