sr_shovel in C

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Feb 12, 2025



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sr_cpump foreground|start|stop|restart|reload|status configfile sr_cpump cleanup|declare configfile


sr_cpump is an alternate implementation of the shovel component of sr3(1) with some limitations.

  • doesn’t download data, only circulates posts.

  • runs as only a single instance (no multiple instances).

  • does not support any plugins.

  • does not support vip for high availability.

  • different regular expression library: POSIX vs. python.

  • does not support regex for the strip command (no non-greedy regex).

It can therefore act as a drop-in replacement for:

sr3 shovel - process shovel messages.

sr3 winnow - process winnow messages.

The C implementation may be easier to make available in specialized environments, such as High Performance Computing, as it has far fewer dependencies than the python version. It also uses far less memory for a given role. Normally the python version is recommended, but there are some cases where use of the C implementation is sensible.

sr_cpump connects to a broker (often the same as the posting broker) and subscribes to the notifications of interest. On reception of a post, it looks up its sum in its cache. If it is found, the file has already come through, so the notification is ignored. If not, then the file is new, and the sum is added to the cache and the notification is posted.

sr_cpump can be used, like sr3 winnow(1), to trim messages from sr3_post(1), sr3 poll(1) or sr3 watch (1) etc… It is used when there are multiple sources of the same data, so that clients only download the source data once, from the first source that posted it.

The sr3_cpump command takes two arguments: an action start|stop|restart|reload|status… (self described) followed by a configuration file.

The foreground action is used when debugging a configuration, when the user wants to run the program and its configfile interactively… The foreground instance is not concerned by other actions. The user would stop using the foreground instance by simply <ctrl-c> on linux or use other means to send SIGINT or SIGTERM to the process.

The actions cleanup, declare, can be used to manage resources on the rabbitmq server. The resources are either queues or exchanges. declare creates the resources. creates and additionally does the bindings of queues.

The actions add, remove, edit, list, enable, disable act on configurations.


In general, the options for this component are described by the sr3_options(7) page which should be read first. It fully explains the option configuration language, and how to find the option settings.

NOTE: The regular expression library used in the C implementation is the POSIX one, and the grammar is slightly different from the python implementation. Some adjustments may be needed.


If the SR_CONFIG_EXAMPLES variable is set, then the add directive can be used to copy examples into the user’s directory for use and/or customization.

An entry in the ~/.config/sarra/default.conf (created via sr_subscribe edit default.conf ) could be used to set the variable:

declare env SR_CONFIG_EXAMPLES=/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sarra/examples

The value should be available from the output of a list command from the python implementation.


User Commands:

sr3(1) - Sarracenia main command line interface.

sr3_post(1) - post file notification messages (python implementation.)

sr3_cpost(1) - post file announcemensts (C implementation.)


sr3_credentials(7) - Convert logfile lines to .save Format for reload/resend.

sr3_options(7) - Convert logfile lines to .save Format for reload/resend.

sr_post(7) - The format of notification message messages.

Home Page: - Sarracenia: a real-time pub/sub data sharing management toolkit