Announcing Sr3
After two years of development, on 2022/04/11, we are pleased to announce the availability of the first beta version of Sarracenia version 3: Sr3. To celebrate the release, there is a new web-site with in depth information:
Compared to v2, Sr3 brings:
Native support for mqtt and amqp (rabbitmq and MQTT brokers.) with a modular implementation that allows straightforward additional message queueing protocols to be supported.
The Flow Algorithm unifies all components into slight variations of this single common code. This re-factor has enabled the elimination of code duplication and allowed reduction of total lines of code by approximately 30% while adding features.
A new command-line interface centred on a single entry-point: sr3
Improved, jupyter Notebook-driven Tutorials
A new plugin API, which allows pythonic customization of default application processing.
A new python API, which gives complete access to the implementation, allowing elegant extension through sub-classing.
Applications can call Sarracenia Python API from their mainline. (In v2, one had to write callbacks to call application code, the application mainline could not be used.)
Newly added GitHub Discussion module, for questions, and community-driven clarification: