=================== Windows user manual =================== .. no section-numbering:: This document teaches novice user with Python on Windows how they could easily run Sarracenia in various ways. The screenshots were taken from *Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard* edition. Feel free to create issues if you believe that this document could be enhanced with one (or more) important case(s). Running Sarracenia with a Command Prompt ---------------------------------------- From the Start Menu: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Click on Sarracenia (it will execute *sr3.exe restart*): .. image:: Windows/start-menu-1.png This will pop Sarracenia's Command Prompt, start Sarracenia processes as instructed by your configurations and show logging information. .. image:: Windows/01_prompt_cmd.png Keep this window alive until you are done with Sarracenia. Closing it or typing ctrl-c will kill all Sarracenia processes. You may also want to restart Sarracenia which will stop those processes cleanly. From a Windows Powershell session: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If sr3 is not found at the command line, even after a *pip install metpx-sr3*, then it may be because pip does not get the entry points added to the Power Shell Path and you may need to do that manually:: PS C:\Users\SilvaP2> sr3 sr3 : The term 'sr3' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At line:1 char:1 + sr3 + ~~~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (sr3:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException PS C:\Users\SilvaP2> One can validate that the metpx-sr3 package is installed with *pip list* ... it should be in the list. then look where the entry point scripts are located:: PS C:\Users\SilvaP2> pip show -f metpx-sr3 Name: metpx-sr3 Version: 3.0.42 Summary: Subscribe, Acquire, and Re-Advertise products. Home-page: https://github.com/MetPX/sarracenia Author: Shared Services Canada, Supercomputing, Data Interchange Author-email: Peter.Silva@canada.ca License: GPLv2 Location: c:\users\silvap2\appdata\local\packages\pythonsoftwarefoundation.python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\localcache\local-packages\python310\site-packages Editable project location: C:\Users\SilvaP2\Sarracenia\sr3 Requires: appdirs, humanfriendly, humanize, jsonpickle, paramiko, psutil, python-magic-bin, watchdog Required-by: Files: ..\Scripts\sr3.exe ..\Scripts\sr3_post.exe ..\Scripts\sr3_tailf.exe __editable__.metpx_sr3-3.0.42.pth __editable___metpx_sr3_3_0_42_finder.py __pycache__\__editable___metpx_sr3_3_0_42_finder.cpython-310.pyc metpx_sr3-3.0.42.dist-info\AUTHORS.rst metpx_sr3-3.0.42.dist-info\INSTALLER metpx_sr3-3.0.42.dist-info\LICENSE.txt metpx_sr3-3.0.42.dist-info\METADATA metpx_sr3-3.0.42.dist-info\RECORD metpx_sr3-3.0.42.dist-info\REQUESTED metpx_sr3-3.0.42.dist-info\WHEEL metpx_sr3-3.0.42.dist-info\direct_url.json metpx_sr3-3.0.42.dist-info\entry_points.txt metpx_sr3-3.0.42.dist-info\top_level.txt PS C:\Users\SilvaP2> From this we learn that the program files are in:: c:\users\silvap2\appdata\local\packages\pythonsoftwarefoundation.python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\localcache\local-packages\python310\site-packages\Scripts So can add that Scripts directory to the powershell Profile. (On my laptop, it is in Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 :: $env:Path += ';c:\users\silvap2\appdata\local\packages\pythonsoftwarefoundation.python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\localcache\local-packages\python310\Scripts' $env:EDITOR = 'code.cmd' The first line sets the Path so that sr3 entry points will be found. The (optional) second line, sets the EDITOR variable, so that the *sr3 edit* command will open the configuration files in VSCode. One must launch a new Powershell for the settings to take effect. Launch a Powershell |powershell| session and type this command at the prompt:: sr3 restart .. |powershell| image:: Windows/powershell.png This will start Sarracenia processes as instructed by your configurations and show logging information .. image:: Windows/02_prompt_powershell.png Keep this Powershell session alive until you are done with Sarracenia. To stop Sarracenia you may type:: sr3 stop This will stop all Sarracenia processes cleanly as would do a restart. Closing this window will also kill all processes. From Anaconda Prompt: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run this command:: activate sr3 && s3r restart Running Sarracenia without a Command Prompt ------------------------------------------- Here is a case where someone (like a sysadmin) needs to run Sarracenia without a Command Prompt and ensure that the system starts at Windows startup. The obvious way of doing it would be from the Task Scheduler. From the Task Scheduler: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Open Task scheduler: .. image:: Windows/03_task_scheduler.png Select *Create Basic Task...* from the action panel on the right: .. image:: Windows/04_create_basic_task.png This will launch the *Create Basic Task Wizard* where you ... Fill the name: .. image:: Windows/05_fill_the_name.png Choose the trigger: .. image:: Windows/06_choose_trigger.png Choose the action: .. image:: Windows/07_choose_action.png Define the action: .. image:: Windows/08_define_action.png Review the task and choose *Finish*: .. image:: Windows/09_finish.png Open the *Properties dialog* and choose *Run whether user is logged on or not* and *Run with highest privileges*: .. image:: Windows/10_properties_dialog.png The task should now appear in your *Task Scheduler Library* with the status *Ready*. .. image:: Windows/12_task_scheduler_ready.png Then, you may run it immediately with the |run_action| button. .. |run_action| image:: Windows/run_action.png