Source code for sarracenia.transfer.sftp

# This file is part of sarracenia.
# The sarracenia suite is Free and is proudly provided by the Government of Canada
# Copyright (C) Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, 2008-2021
# Sarracenia repository:
# Documentation:
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA

import logging, paramiko, os, subprocess, sys, time
from paramiko import *
from stat import *

from sarracenia.transfer import Transfer
from sarracenia.transfer import alarm_cancel, alarm_set, alarm_raise
from urllib.parse import unquote

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Sftp(Transfer): """ SecSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) ( ) Sarracenia transfer protocol subclass supports/uses additional custom options: * accelScpCommand (default: '/usr/bin/scp %s %d' ) The module uses the paramiko library for python SecSH support ( ) """
[docs] def __init__(self, proto, options): super().__init__(proto, options) logger.debug("sr_sftp __init__") self.o.add_option("accelScpCommand", "str", "/usr/bin/scp %s %d") # sftp command times out after 20 secs # this setting is different from the computed timeout (protocol) self.connected = False self.sftp = None self.ssh = None = True self.batch = 0 self.connected = False self.ssh_config = None try: self.ssh_config = paramiko.SSHConfig() ssh_config = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/config') if os.path.isfile(ssh_config): fp = open(ssh_config, 'r') self.ssh_config.parse(fp) fp.close() except: logger.error("sr_sftp/__init__: unable to load ssh config %s" % ssh_config) logger.debug('Exception details: ', exc_info=True)
def registered_as(): return ['sftp', 'scp', 'ssh', 'fish'] # cd def cd(self, path): alarm_set(self.o.timeout) logger.debug("first cd to %s" % self.originalDir) self.sftp.chdir(self.originalDir) logger.debug("then cd to %s" % path) self.sftp.chdir(path) self.pwd = path alarm_cancel() # cd forced def cd_forced(self, perm, path): logger.debug("sr_sftp cd_forced %d %s" % (perm, path)) # try to go directly to path alarm_set(self.o.timeout) self.sftp.chdir(self.originalDir) try: self.sftp.chdir(path) alarm_cancel() return except: pass alarm_cancel() # need to create subdir subdirs = path.split("/") if path[0:1] == "/": subdirs[0] = "/" + subdirs[0] for d in subdirs: if d == '': continue # try to go directly to subdir try: alarm_set(self.o.timeout) self.sftp.chdir(d) alarm_cancel() continue except: pass # create and go to subdir alarm_set(self.o.timeout) self.sftp.mkdir(d, self.o.permDirDefault) self.sftp.chdir(d) alarm_cancel() def check_is_connected(self): logger.debug("sr_sftp check_is_connected") if self.sftp == None: return False if not self.connected: return False if self.sendTo != self.o.sendTo: self.close() return False self.batch = self.batch + 1 if self.batch > self.o.batch: self.close() return False # really connected, getcwd would not work, send_ignore would not work... so chdir used try: alarm_set(self.o.timeout) self.sftp.chdir(self.originalDir) alarm_cancel() except: self.close() return False return True # chmod def chmod(self, perm, path): logger.debug("sr_sftp chmod %s %s" % ("{0:o}".format(perm), path)) alarm_set(self.o.timeout) self.sftp.chmod(path, perm) alarm_cancel() # close def close(self): logger.debug("sr_sftp close") old_sftp = self.sftp old_ssh = self.ssh self.init() alarm_set(self.o.timeout) try: old_sftp.close() except: pass try: old_ssh.close() except: pass alarm_cancel() # connect... def connect(self): logger.debug("sr_sftp connect %s" % self.o.sendTo) if self.connected: self.close() self.connected = False self.sendTo = self.o.sendTo if not self.credentials(): return False alarm_set(self.o.timeout) try: sublogger = logging.getLogger('paramiko') sublogger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() # FIXME this should be an option... for security reasons... not forced self.ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) if self.password: self.ssh.connect(,self.port,self.user,unquote(self.password), \ pkey=None,key_filename=self.ssh_keyfile,\ timeout=self.o.timeout,allow_agent=False,look_for_keys=False) else: self.ssh.connect(,self.port,self.user,self.password, \ pkey=None,key_filename=self.ssh_keyfile,\ timeout=self.o.timeout) #if ssh_keyfile != None : # key=DSSKey.from_private_key_file(ssh_keyfile,password=None) sftp = self.ssh.open_sftp() if self.o.timeout != None: logger.debug("sr_sftp connect setting timeout %f" % self.o.timeout) channel = sftp.get_channel() channel.settimeout(self.o.timeout) sftp.chdir('.') self.originalDir = sftp.getcwd() self.pwd = self.originalDir self.connected = True self.sftp = sftp #alarm_cancel() return True except: logger.error("sr_sftp/connect: unable to connect to %s (user:%s)" % (, self.user)) logger.debug('Exception details: ', exc_info=True) alarm_cancel() return False # credentials... def credentials(self): #logger.debug("sr_sftp credentials %s" % self.sendTo) try: ok, details = self.o.credentials.get(self.sendTo) if details: url = details.url = url.hostname self.port = url.port self.user = url.username self.password = url.password self.ssh_keyfile = details.ssh_keyfile if url.username == '': self.user = None if url.password == '': self.password = None if url.port == '': self.port = None if self.ssh_keyfile: self.password = None if self.port == None: self.port = 22 #logger.debug("h u:p s = %s:%d %s:%s %s" % # (, self.port, self.user, self.password, # self.ssh_keyfile)) if self.ssh_config == None: return True if self.user == None or \ ( self.ssh_keyfile == None and self.password == None): #logger.debug("check in ssh_config") for key, value in self.ssh_config.lookup( if key == "hostname": = value elif key == "user": self.user = value elif key == "port": self.port = int(value) elif key == "identityfile": self.ssh_keyfile = os.path.expanduser(value[0]) #logger.debug("h u:p s = %s:%d %s:%s %s" % # (, self.port, self.user, self.password, # self.ssh_keyfile)) return True except: logger.error( "sr_sftp/credentials: unable to get credentials for %s" % self.sendTo) logger.debug('Exception details: ', exc_info=True) return False # delete # MG sneak rmdir here in case 'R' message implies a directory (remote mirroring) def delete(self, path): logger.debug("sr_sftp rm %s" % path) alarm_set(self.o.timeout) # check if the file is there... if not we are done,no error try: s = self.sftp.lstat(path) except: alarm_cancel() return # proceed with file/link removal if not S_ISDIR(s.st_mode): logger.debug("sr_sftp remove %s" % path) self.sftp.remove(path) # proceed with directory removal else: logger.debug("sr_sftp rmdir %s" % path) self.sftp.rmdir(path) alarm_cancel() def readlink(self, link): logger.debug("%s" % (link)) alarm_set(self.o.timeout) value = self.sftp.readlink(link) alarm_cancel() return value # symlink def symlink(self, link, path): logger.debug("(in %s), create this file %s as a link to: %s" % (self.getcwd(), path, link) ) alarm_set(self.o.timeout) self.sftp.symlink(link, path) alarm_cancel() # get def get(self, msg, remote_file, local_file, remote_offset=0, local_offset=0, length=0, exactLength=False): logger.debug( "sr_sftp get %s %s %d %d %d %s" % (remote_file, local_file, remote_offset, local_offset, length, exactLength)) alarm_set(2 * self.o.timeout) rfp = self.sftp.file(remote_file, 'rb', self.o.bufsize) if remote_offset != 0:, 0) rfp.settimeout(1.0 * self.o.timeout) alarm_cancel() # read from rfp and write to local_file rw_length = self.read_writelocal(remote_file, rfp, local_file, local_offset, length, exactLength=False) # close alarm_set(self.o.timeout) rfp.close() alarm_cancel() return rw_length def getAccelerated(self, msg, remote_file, local_file, length=0, remote_offset=0, exactLength=False): base_url = msg['baseUrl'].replace('sftp://', '') if base_url[-1] == '/': base_url = base_url[0:-1] arg1 = base_url + ':' + self.pwd + os.sep + remote_file arg1 = arg1.replace(' ', '\\ ') arg2 = '.' + os.sep + local_file cmd = self.o.accelScpCommand.replace('%s', arg1) cmd = cmd.replace('%d', arg2).split()"accel_sftp: %s" % ' '.join(cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: return -1 sz = os.stat(arg2).st_size return sz # getcwd def getcwd(self): alarm_set(self.o.timeout) cwd = self.sftp.getcwd() if self.sftp else None alarm_cancel() return cwd # ls def ls(self): logger.debug("sr_sftp ls") self.entries = {} # timeout is at least 30 secs, say we wait for max 5 mins alarm_set(self.o.timeout) dir_attr = self.sftp.listdir_attr() alarm_cancel() for index in range(len(dir_attr)): attr = dir_attr[index] line = attr.__str__() self.line_callback(line, attr) #logger.debug("sr_sftp ls = %s" % self.entries ) return self.entries # line_callback: ls[filename] = 'stripped_file_description' def line_callback(self, iline, attr): #logger.debug("sr_sftp line_callback %s" % iline) oline = iline oline = oline.strip('\n') oline = oline.strip() oline = oline.replace('\t', ' ') opart1 = oline.split(' ') opart2 = [] for p in opart1: if p == '': continue opart2.append(p) # else case is in the event of unlikely race condition fil = ' '.join(opart2[8:]) line = ' '.join(opart2) self.entries[fil] = attr # mkdir def mkdir(self, remote_dir): logger.debug("mkdir %s" % remote_dir) alarm_set(self.o.timeout) try: s = self.sftp.lstat(path) if S_ISDIR(s.st_mode): return logger.error( f"cannot mkdir {path}, file exists" ) alarm_cancel() return except FileNotFoundError: pass except: alarm_cancel() return self.sftp.mkdir(remote_dir, self.o.permDirDefault) alarm_cancel() # put def put(self, msg, local_file, remote_file, local_offset=0, remote_offset=0, length=0): logger.debug( "sr_sftp put %s %s %d %d %d" % (local_file, remote_file, local_offset, remote_offset, length)) # simple file alarm_set(2 * self.o.timeout) if length == 0: rfp = self.sftp.file(remote_file, 'wb', self.o.bufsize) rfp.settimeout(1.0 * self.o.timeout) # parts else: try: self.sftp.stat(remote_file) except: rfp = self.sftp.file(remote_file, 'wb', self.o.bufsize) rfp.close() rfp = self.sftp.file(remote_file, 'r+b', self.o.bufsize) rfp.settimeout(1.0 * self.o.timeout) if remote_offset != 0:, 0) alarm_cancel() # read from local_file and write to rfp rw_length = self.readlocal_write(local_file, local_offset, length, rfp) # no sparse file... truncate where we are at alarm_set(self.o.timeout) self.fpos = remote_offset + rw_length if length != 0: rfp.truncate(self.fpos) rfp.close() alarm_cancel() return rw_length def putAccelerated(self, msg, local_file, remote_file, length=0): dest_baseUrl = self.o.sendTo.replace('sftp://', '') if dest_baseUrl[-1] == '/': dest_baseUrl = dest_baseUrl[0:-1] arg2 = dest_baseUrl + ':' + msg['new_dir'] + os.sep + remote_file arg2 = arg2.replace(' ', '\\ ') arg1 = local_file cmd = self.o.accelScpCommand.replace('%s', arg1) cmd = cmd.replace('%d', arg2).split()"accel_sftp: %s" % ' '.join(cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: return -1 # FIXME: faking success... not sure how to check really. sz = int(msg['size']) return sz # rename def rename(self, remote_old, remote_new): logger.debug("sr_sftp rename %s %s" % (remote_old, remote_new)) try: self.delete(remote_new) except: pass alarm_set(self.o.timeout) self.sftp.rename(remote_old, remote_new) alarm_cancel() # rmdir def rmdir(self, path): logger.debug("sr_sftp rmdir %s " % path) alarm_set(self.o.timeout) self.sftp.rmdir(path) alarm_cancel() # utime def utime(self, path, tup): logger.debug("sr_sftp utime %s %s " % (path, tup)) alarm_set(self.o.timeout) self.sftp.utime(path, tup) alarm_cancel()