Source code for sarracenia.flowcb.poll.mail

Posts any new emails from an email server, connected to using 
the specified protocol, either pop3 or imap. The imaplib/poplib 
implementations in Python use the most secure SSL settings by 
default: PROTOCOL_TLS, OP_NO_SSLv2, and OP_NO_SSLv3.
Compatible with Python 2.7+.

A sample do_poll option for sr_poll.
connects to an email server with the provided
credentials and posts all new messages by their msg ID.

        in an sr_poll configuration file:

        pollUrl [imap|imaps|pop|pops]://[user[:password]@]host[:port]/

        IMAP over SSL uses 993, POP3 over SSL uses 995
        IMAP unsecured uses 143, POP3 unsecured uses 110

        Full credentials must be in credentials.conf.
        If port is not specified it'll default to the ones above based on protocol/ssl setting.

This posts what messages are available. A separate component is needed to 
download the message, which would need:

     callback download.mail_ingest
to process these posts.


import datetime
import email
import imaplib
import logging
import poplib
import sarracenia
from sarracenia.flowcb.poll import Poll

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Mail(Poll):
[docs] def __init__(self, options): self.o = options"poll_email_ingest init")
def poll(self): logger.debug("start") ok, details = self.o.credentials.get(self.o.pollUrl) if ok: setting = details.url user = setting.username password = setting.password server = setting.hostname protocol = setting.scheme.lower() port = setting.port logger.debug("pollUrl valid") else: logger.error("pollUrl: invalid credentials") return if not port: if protocol == "imaps": port = 993 elif protocol == "pops": port = 995 elif protocol == "imap": port = 143 else: port = 110 gathered_messages = [] if "imap" in protocol: if protocol == "imaps": try: mailman = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(server, port=port) mailman.login(user, password) except imaplib.IMAP4.error as e: logger.error( "poll_email_ingest imaplib connection error: {}". format(e)) return elif protocol == "imap": try: mailman = imaplib.IMAP4(server, port=port) mailman.login(user, password) except imaplib.IMAP4.error as e: logger.error( "poll_email_ingest imaplib connection error: {}". format(e)) return else: return # only retrieves unread mail from inbox, change these values as to your preference'INBOX') resp, data =, '(UNSEEN)') self.metrics['transferRxBytes'] += len(data) for index in data[0].split(): r, d = mailman.fetch(index, '(RFC822)') msg = d[0][1].decode("utf-8", "ignore") + "\n" msg_subject = email.message_from_string(msg).get('Subject') msg_filename = msg_subject + '%Y%m%d_%H%M%s_%f') m = sarracenia.Message.fromFileInfo(msg_filename, self.o) gathered_messages.append(m) mailman.close() mailman.logout() elif "pop" in protocol: if protocol == "pops": try: mailman = poplib.POP3_SSL(server, port=port) mailman.user(user) mailman.pass_(password) logger.debug("poll_email_ingest connection started") except poplib.error_proto as e: logger.error( "poll_email_ingest pop3 connection error: {}".format( e)) return elif protocol == "pop": try: mailman = poplib.POP3(server, port=port) mailman.user(user) mailman.pass_(password) except poplib.error_proto as e: logger.error( "poll_email_ingest pop3 connection error: {}".format( e)) return else: return # only retrieves msgs that haven't triggered internal pop3 'read' flag numMsgs = len(mailman.list()[1]) for index in range(numMsgs): msg = "" for line in mailman.retr(index + 1)[1]: self.metrics['transferRxBytes'] += len(line) msg += line.decode("utf-8", "ignore") + "\n" msg_subject = email.message_from_string(msg).get('Subject') msg_filename = msg_subject + '%Y%m%d_%H%M%s_%f') m = sarracenia.Message.fromFileInfo(msg_filename, self.o) gathered_messages.append(m) mailman.quit() else: logger.error( "poll_email_ingest pollUrl protocol must be one of 'imap/imaps' or 'pop/pops'." ) return gathered_messages