Plugin tolocalfile.py:
This is a helper script to work with converters (filters) and senders.
What a data pump advertises, it will usually use Web URL, but if one is
on a server where the files are available, it is more efficient to access
them as local files, and so this plugin turn the message's notice Web URL
into a File URL (file:/d1/d2/.../fn)
Normal Usage:
A Web URL in an amqp message is hold in the following values:
message['baseUrl'] (ex.: http://localhost) and
message['relPath'] (ex.: /<data>/<src>/d3/.../fn)
We will save these values before their modification :
message['saved_baseUrl'] = message['baseUrl']
message['saved_relPath'] = message['relPath']
We will then turn them into an absolute File Url: (Note if a baseDir was set it prefix the relPath)
message['baseUrl'] = 'file:'
message['relPath'] = [baseDir] + message['relPath']
baseDir /var/www/html
message pubtime=20171003131233.494 baseUrl=http://localhost relPath=/20171003/CMOE/productx.gif
flowcb sarracenia.flowcb.accept.tolocalfile.ToLocalFile
will receive this::
* message['baseUrl'] is 'http://localhost'
* message['relPath'] is '/20171003/CMOE/GIF/productx.gif'
* will copy/save these values
* message['saved_baseUrl'] = message['baseUrl']
* message['saved_relPath'] = message['relPath']
* turn the original values into a File URL
* message['baseUrl'] = 'file:'
* if parent['baseDir'] :
* message['relPath'] = parent['baseDir'] + '/' + message['relPath']
* message['relPath'] = message['relPath'].replace('//','/')
A sequence of after_accept plugins can perform various changes to the messages and/or
to the product... so here lets pretend we have an after_accept plugin that converts
gif to png and prepares the proper message for it
flowcb sarracenia.flowcb.accept.giftopng.GifToPng
After the tolocalfile this script could perform something like::
# build the absolute path of the png product
new_path = message['relPath'].replace('GIF','PNG')
new_path[-4:] = '.png'
# proceed to the conversion gif2png
ok = self.gif2png(gifpath=message.relPath,pngpath=new_path)
change the message to announce the new png product::
if ok :
message['baseUrl'] = message['saved_baseUrl']
message['relPath'] = new_path
if self.o.baseDir :
message['relPath'] = new_path.replace(self.o.baseDir,'',1)
else :
# we are ok... proceed with this png file
flowcb sarracenia.flowcb.accept.tolocalfile.ToLocalFile
import logging
from sarracenia.flowcb import FlowCB
logger = logging.getLogger('__name__')
class ToLocalFile(FlowCB):
def __init__(self, options):
def after_accept(self, worklist):
new_incoming = []
for message in worklist.incoming:
if message['baseUrl'] == 'file:':
message['saved_baseUrl'] = message['baseUrl']
message['saved_relPath'] = message['relPath']
message['baseUrl'] = 'file:'
if self.o.baseDir and not message['relPath'].startswith(self.o.baseDir):
message['relPath'] = self.o.baseDir + '/' + message['relPath']
message['relPath'].replace('//', '/')
worklist.incoming = new_incoming