Source code for sarracenia.config

# This file is part of Sarracenia.
# The sarracenia suite is Free and is proudly provided by the Government of Canada
# Copyright (C) Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, Shared Services Canada, 2019

Second version configuration parser

FIXME: pas 2023/02/05...  missing options from v2: max_queue_size, outlet, pipe


import argparse
import copy
import datetime
import humanfriendly
import inspect
import logging

import os
import pathlib
import pprint
import re
import shutil
import socket
import sys
import time
import urllib, urllib.parse

from random import randint

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and sys.version_info[1] < 8:
        'extend' action not included in argparse prior to python 3.8
    class ExtendAction(argparse.Action):

        def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
            items = getattr(namespace, self.dest) or []
            setattr(namespace, self.dest, items)

import sarracenia
from sarracenia import durationToSeconds, site_config_dir, user_config_dir, user_cache_dir
from sarracenia.featuredetection import features
import sarracenia.credentials
import sarracenia.flow
import sarracenia.flowcb

from sarracenia.flow.sarra import default_options as sarradefopts

import sarracenia.identity.arbitrary

import sarracenia.moth
import sarracenia.identity
import sarracenia.instance

[docs] class octal_number(int):
[docs] def __new__(cls, value): if type(value) is str: self = int(value,base=8) elif type(value) is int: self = value return self
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return f"0o{self:o}"
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"0o{self:o}"
default_options = { 'acceptSizeWrong': False, 'acceptUnmatched': True, 'amqp_consumer': False, 'attempts': 3, 'batch' : 100, 'baseDir': None, 'baseUrl_relPath': False, 'block_reassemble': True, 'delete': False, 'documentRoot': None, 'download': False, 'dry_run': False, 'filename': None, 'flowMain': None, 'inflight': None, 'inline': False, 'inlineOnly': False, 'identity_method': 'sha512', 'logMetrics': False, 'logStdout': False, 'nodupe_driver': 'disk', 'nodupe_ttl': 0, 'overwrite': True, 'path': [], 'permDefault' : octal_number(0), 'permDirDefault' : octal_number(0o775), 'permLog': octal_number(0o600), 'post_documentRoot': None, 'post_baseDir': None, 'post_baseUrl': None, 'post_format': 'v03', 'realpathPost': False, 'recursive' : True, 'report': False, 'retryEmptyBeforeExit': False, 'retry_refilter': False, 'sanity_log_dead': 9999, 'sourceFromExchange': False, 'sourceFromMessage': False, 'sundew_compat_regex_first_match_is_zero': False, 'sourceFromExchange': False, 'sourceFromMessage': False, 'topicCopy': False, 'v2compatRenameDoublePost': False, 'varTimeOffset': 0 } count_options = [ 'batch', 'count', 'exchangeSplit', 'instances', 'logRotateCount', 'no', 'post_exchangeSplit', 'prefetch', 'messageCountMax', 'messageRateMax', 'messageRateMin' ] # all the boolean settings. flag_options = [ 'acceptSizeWrong', 'acceptUnmatched', 'amqp_consumer', 'baseUrl_relPath', 'block_reassemble', 'debug', \ 'delete', 'discard', 'download', 'dry_run', 'durable', 'exchangeDeclare', 'exchangeSplit', 'logReject', 'realpathFilter', \ 'follow_symlinks', 'force_polling', 'inline', 'inlineOnly', 'inplace', 'logMetrics', 'logStdout', 'logReject', 'restore', \ 'messageDebugDump', 'mirror', 'timeCopy', 'notify_only', 'overwrite', 'post_on_start', \ 'permCopy', 'persistent', 'queueBind', 'queueDeclare', 'randomize', 'recursive', 'realpathPost', \ 'reconnect', 'report', 'reset', 'retry_refilter', 'retryEmptyBeforeExit', 'save', 'sundew_compat_regex_first_match_is_zero', \ 'sourceFromExchange', 'sourceFromMessage', 'topicCopy', 'statehost', 'users', 'v2compatRenameDoublePost' ] float_options = [ ] duration_options = [ 'expire', 'housekeeping', 'logRotateInterval', 'message_ttl', 'fileAgeMax', 'fileAgeMin', \ 'retry_ttl', 'sanity_log_dead', 'sleep', 'timeout', 'varTimeOffset' ] list_options = [ 'path', 'vip' ] # set, valid values of the set. set_options = [ 'logEvents', 'fileEvents' ] set_choices = { 'logEvents' : set(sarracenia.flowcb.entry_points + [ 'reject' ]), 'fileEvents' : set( [ 'create', 'delete', 'link', 'mkdir', 'modify', 'rmdir' ] ) } # FIXME: doesn't work... wonder why? # 'fileEvents': sarracenia.flow.allFileEvents perm_options = [ 'permDefault', 'permDirDefault','permLog'] size_options = ['accelThreshold', 'blocksize', 'bufsize', 'byteRateMax', 'inlineByteMax'] str_options = [ 'action', 'admin', 'baseDir', 'broker', 'cluster', 'directory', 'exchange', 'exchange_suffix', 'feeder', 'filename', 'flatten', 'flowMain', 'header', 'hostname', 'identity', 'inlineEncoding', 'logLevel', 'pollUrl', 'post_baseUrl', 'post_baseDir', 'post_broker', 'post_exchange', 'post_exchangeSuffix', 'post_format', 'post_topic', 'queueName', 'sendTo', 'rename', 'report_exchange', 'source', 'strip', 'timezone', 'nodupe_ttl', 'nodupe_driver', 'nodupe_basis', 'tlsRigour', 'topic' ] r""" for backward compatibility, convert some old plugins that are hard to get working with v2wrapper, into v3 plugin. the fdelay ones makes in depth use of sr_replay function, and that has changed in v3 too much. accelerators and rate limiting are now built-in, no plugin required. """ convert_to_v3 = { 'cache_stat' : ['continue'], 'cluster_aliases' : [ 'continue' ], 'discard' : [ 'delete_destination', 'on' ], 'from_cluster' : [ 'continue' ], 'to_clusters' : [ 'continue' ], 'identity' : { 'n' : [ 'identity', 'none' ], 's' : [ 'identity', 'sha512' ], 'd' : [ 'identity', 'md5' ], 'a' : [ 'identity', 'arbitrary' ], 'r' : [ 'identity', 'random' ], 'z,d' : [ 'identity', 'cod,md5' ], 'z,s' : [ 'identity', 'cod,sha512' ], 'z,n' : [ 'identity', 'none' ] }, 'ls_file_index' : [ 'continue' ], 'plugin': { 'msg_fdelay': ['callback', 'filter.fdelay'], 'msg_pclean_f90': ['callback', 'filter.pclean_f90.PClean_F90'], 'msg_pclean_f92': ['callback', 'filter.pclean_f92.PClean_F92'], 'accel_wget': ['continue'], 'accel_scp': ['continue'], 'accel_cp': ['continue'], 'msg_total_save': ['continue'], 'post_total_save': ['continue'], 'post_total_interval': ['continue'] }, 'destfn_script': { 'manual_conversion_required' : [ 'continue' ] }, 'do_get': { 'manual_conversion_required' : [ 'continue' ] }, 'do_poll': { 'manual_conversion_required' : [ 'continue' ] }, 'do_put': { 'manual_conversion_required' : [ 'continue' ] }, 'do_download': { 'manual_conversion_required' : [ 'continue' ] }, 'do_put': { 'manual_conversion_required' : [ 'continue' ] }, 'do_send': { 'file_email' : [ 'callback', '' ], }, 'do_task': { 'manual_conversion_required' : [ 'continue' ] }, 'no_download': [ 'download', 'False' ], 'notify_only': [ 'download', 'False' ], 'do_data': { 'manual_conversion_required' : [ 'continue' ] }, 'on_file': { 'file_age' : [ 'callback', 'work.age' ], }, 'on_heartbeat': { 'manual_conversion_required' : [ 'continue' ] }, 'on_html_page': { 'manual_conversion_required' : [ 'continue' ] }, 'on_part': { 'manual_conversion_required' : [ 'continue' ] }, 'on_line': { 'manual_conversion_required' : [ 'continue' ] }, 'on_message': { 'msg_print_lag': [ 'callback', 'accept.printlag.PrintLag'], 'msg_replace_new_dir': [ 'callback', 'accept.pathreplace' ], 'msg_skip_old': [ 'callback', 'accept.skipold.SkipOld'], 'msg_test_retry': [ 'callback', 'accept.testretry.TestRetry'], 'msg_to_clusters': [ 'callback', 'accept.toclusters.ToClusters'], 'msg_save': [ 'callback', ''], 'msg_2localfile': [ 'callback', 'accept.tolocalfile.ToLocalFile'], 'msg_rename_whatfn': [ 'callback', 'accept.renamewhatfn.RenameWhatFn'], 'msg_rename_dmf': [ 'callback', 'accept.renamedmf.RenameDMF'], 'msg_hour_tree': [ 'callback', 'accept.hourtree.HourTree'], 'msg_renamer': [ 'callback', 'accept.renamer.Renamer'], 'msg_2http': [ 'callback', 'accept.tohttp.ToHttp'], 'msg_2local': [ 'callback', 'accept.tolocal.ToLocal'], 'msg_http_to_https': [ 'callback', 'accept.httptohttps.HttpToHttps'], 'msg_speedo': [ 'callback', 'accept.speedo.Speedo'], 'msg_WMO_type_suffix': [ 'callback', 'accept.wmotypesuffix.WmoTypeSuffix'], 'msg_sundew_pxroute': [ 'callback', 'accept.sundewpxroute.SundewPxRoute'], 'msg_rename4jicc': [ 'flow_callback', 'accept.rename4jicc.Rename4Jicc'], 'msg_delay': [ 'callback', 'accept.messagedelay.MessageDelay'], 'msg_download_baseurl': [ 'callback', 'accept.downloadbaseurl.DownloadBaseUrl'], 'msg_from_cluster': ['continue'], 'msg_stdfiles': ['continue'], 'msg_fdelay': ['callback', 'filter.fdelay'], 'msg_stopper': ['continue'], 'msg_overwrite_sum': ['continue'], 'msg_gts2wistopic': ['continue'], 'msg_download': ['continue'], 'msg_by_source': ['continue'], 'msg_by_user': ['continue'], 'msg_dump': ['continue'], 'msg_total': ['continue'], 'on_report': { 'manual_conversion_required' : [ 'continue' ] }, 'on_stop': { 'manual_conversion_required' : [ 'continue' ] }, 'on_start': { 'manual_conversion_required' : [ 'continue' ] }, 'on_watch': { 'manual_conversion_required' : [ 'continue' ] }, 'on_post': { 'post_log': ['logEvents', '+after_work'] }, 'parts' : [ 'continue' ], 'post_total': ['continue'], 'wmo2msc': [ 'callback', 'filter.wmo2msc.Wmo2Msc'], 'msg_delete': [ 'callback', 'filter.deleteflowfiles.DeleteFlowFiles'], 'msg_log': ['logEvents', '+after_accept'], 'msg_rawlog': ['logEvents', '+after_accept'], 'post_hour_tree': [ 'callback', 'accept.posthourtree.PostHourTree'], 'post_long_flow': [ 'callback', 'accept.longflow.LongFLow'], 'post_override': [ 'callback', 'accept.postoverride.PostOverride'], 'post_rate_limit': ['continue'], 'to': ['continue'] }, 'poll_without_vip': [ 'manual_conversion_required' ], 'pump' : [ 'continue' ], 'pump_flag' : [ 'continue' ], 'reconnect': ['continue'], 'report_daemons': ['continue'], 'restore' : [ 'continue' ], 'retry_mode' : ['continue'], 'save' : [ 'continue' ], 'set_passwords': ['continue'], 'windows_run': [ 'continue' ], 'xattr_disable': [ 'continue' ] } # question: why don't these have matching closing braces? # answer: there might be an offset (-1h, -5m, etc...) and covering those cases is hard with simple substitution. convert_patterns_to_v3 = { '${YYYYMMDD' : '${%Y%m%d', '${YYYY': '${%Y', '${JJJ': '${%j', '${HH': '${%H', '${DD': '${%d', '${MM': '${%m', '${SS': '${%S', } logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) r""" FIXME: respect appdir stuff using an environment variable. for not just hard coded as a class variable appdir_stuff """ def isTrue(S): if type(S) is list: S = S[-1] return S.lower() in ['true', 'yes', 'on', '1'] def get_package_lib_dir(): return os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(Config)) def get_site_config_dir(): return sarracenia.site_config_dir(Config.appdir_stuff['appname'], Config.appdir_stuff['appauthor'])
[docs] def get_user_cache_dir(hostdir): """ hostdir = None if statehost is false, """ ucd = sarracenia.user_cache_dir(Config.appdir_stuff['appname'], Config.appdir_stuff['appauthor']) if hostdir: ucd = os.path.join(ucd, hostdir) return ucd
def get_user_config_dir(): return sarracenia.user_config_dir(Config.appdir_stuff['appname'], Config.appdir_stuff['appauthor'])
[docs] def get_pid_filename(hostdir, component, configuration, no): """ return the file name for the pid file for the specified instance. """ piddir = get_user_cache_dir(hostdir) piddir += os.sep + component + os.sep if configuration[-5:] == '.conf': configuration = configuration[:-5] piddir += configuration + os.sep return piddir + os.sep + component + '_' + configuration + '_%02d' % no + '.pid'
[docs] def get_log_filename(hostdir, component, configuration, no): """ return the name of a single logfile for a single instance. """ logdir = get_user_cache_dir(hostdir) + os.sep + 'log' if configuration is None: configuration = '' else: configuration = '_' + configuration if configuration[-5:] == '.conf': configuration = configuration[:-5] return logdir + os.sep + component + configuration + '_%02d' % no + '.log'
[docs] def get_metrics_filename(hostdir, component, configuration, no): """ return the name of a single logfile for a single instance. """ metricsdir = get_user_cache_dir(hostdir) + os.sep + 'metrics' if configuration is None: configuration = '' else: configuration = '_' + configuration if configuration[-5:] == '.conf': configuration = configuration[:-5] return metricsdir + os.sep + component + configuration + '_%02d' % no + '.json'
def wget_config(urlstr, path, remote_config_url=False): logger.debug("wget_config %s %s" % (urlstr, path)) try: req = urllib.request.Request(urlstr) resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req) if os.path.isfile(path): try: info = ts = time.strptime(info.get('Last-Modified'), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z") last_mod_remote = time.mktime(ts) last_mod_local = os.stat(path).st_mtime if last_mod_remote <= last_mod_local:"file %s is up to date (%s)" % (path, urlstr)) return True except: logger.error( "could not compare modification dates... downloading") logger.debug('Exception details: ', exc_info=True) fp = open(path + '.downloading', 'wb') # top program config only needs to keep the url # we set option remote_config_url with the urlstr # at the first line of the config... # includes/plugins etc... may be left as url in the config... # as the urlstr is kept in the config this option would be useless # (and damagable for plugins) if remote_config_url: fp.write(bytes("remote_config_url %s\n" % urlstr, 'utf-8')) while True: chunk = if not chunk: break fp.write(chunk) fp.close() try: os.unlink(path) except: pass os.rename(path + '.downloading', path)"file %s downloaded (%s)" % (path, urlstr)) return True except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: if os.path.isfile(path): logger.warning('file %s could not be processed1 (%s)' % (path, urlstr)) logger.warning('resume with the one on the server') else: logger.error('Download failed 0: %s' % urlstr) logger.error('Server couldn\'t fulfill the request') logger.error('Error code: %s, %s' % (e.code, e.reason)) except urllib.error.URLError as e: if os.path.isfile(path): logger.warning('file %s could not be processed2 (%s)' % (path, urlstr)) logger.warning('resume with the one on the server') else: logger.error('Download failed 1: %s' % urlstr) logger.error('Failed to reach server. Reason: %s' % e.reason) except Exception as e: if os.path.isfile(path): logger.warning('file %s could not be processed3 (%s) %s' % (path, urlstr, e.reason)) logger.warning('resume with the one on the server') else: logger.error('Download failed 2: %s %s' % (urlstr, e.reason)) logger.debug('Exception details: ', exc_info=True) try: os.unlink(path + '.downloading') except: pass if os.path.isfile(path): logger.warning("continue using existing %s" % path) return False
[docs] def config_path(subdir, config, mandatory=True, ctype='conf'): """ Given a subdir/config look for file in configish places. return Tuple: Found (True/False), path_of_file_found|config_that_was_not_found """ logger.debug("config_path = %s %s" % (subdir, config)) if config == None: return False, None # remote config if config.startswith('http:'): urlstr = config name = os.path.basename(config) if not name.endswith(ctype): name += '.' + ctype path = get_user_config_dir() + os.sep + subdir + os.sep + name config = name logger.debug("http url %s path %s name %s" % (urlstr, path, name)) # do not allow plugin (Peter's mandatory decision) # because plugins may need system or python packages # that may not be installed on the current server. if subdir == 'plugins': logger.error("it is not allowed to download plugins") else: ok = Config.wget_config(urlstr, path) # priority 1 : config given is a valid path logger.debug("config_path %s " % config) if os.path.isfile(config): return True, config config_file = os.path.basename(config) config_name = re.sub(r'(\.inc|\.conf|\.py)', '', config_file) ext = config_file.replace(config_name, '') if ext == '': ext = '.' + ctype config_path = config_name + ext # priority 1.5: config file given without extenion... if os.path.isfile(config_path): return True, config_path # priority 2 : config given is a user one config_path = os.path.join(get_user_config_dir(), subdir, config_name + ext) logger.debug("config_path %s " % config_path) if os.path.isfile(config_path): return True, config_path # priority 3 : config given to site config config_path = os.path.join(get_site_config_dir(), subdir, config_name + ext) logger.debug("config_path %s " % config_path) if os.path.isfile(config_path): return True, config_path # priority 4 : plugins if subdir == 'plugins': config_path = get_package_lib_dir( ) + os.sep + 'plugins' + os.sep + config_name + ext logger.debug("config_path %s " % config_path) if os.path.isfile(config_path): return True, config_path # return bad file ... if mandatory: if subdir == 'plugins': logger.error("script not found %s" % config) elif config_name != 'plugins': logger.error("file not found %s" % config) return False, config
[docs] class Config: r""" The option parser to produce a single configuration. it can be instantiated with one of: * one_config(component, config, action, isPost=False) -- read the options for a given component an configuration, (all in one call.) On the other hand, a configu can be built up from the following constructors: * default_config() -- returns an empty configuration, given a config file tree. * no_file_config() -- returns an empty config without any config file tree. Then just add settings manually:: cfg = no_file_config() = sarracenia.credentials.Credential('amqps://') cfg.topicPrefix = [ 'v02', 'post'] cfg.component = 'subscribe' cfg.config = 'flow_demo' cfg.action = 'start' cfg.bindings = [ ('xpublic', ['v02', 'post'], ['*', 'WXO-DD', 'observations', 'swob-ml', '#' ]) ] cfg.queueName='q_anonymous.subscriber_test2' cfg.batch=1 cfg.messageCountMax=5 # set the instance number for the flow class. # and at the end call finalize cfg.finalize() """ port_required = [ 'on_line', 'on_html_page' ] v2entry_points = [ 'do_download', 'do_get', 'do_poll', 'do_put', 'do_send', 'on_message', 'on_file', 'on_heartbeat', 'on_housekeeping', 'on_html_page', 'on_part', 'on_post', 'on_report', 'on_start', 'on_stop', 'on_watch', 'plugin' ] components = [ 'audit', 'cpost', 'cpump', 'flow', 'poll', 'post', 'sarra', 'sender', 'shovel', 'subscribe', 'watch', 'winnow' ] actions = [ 'add', 'cleanup', 'convert', 'devsnap', 'declare', 'disable', 'dump', 'edit', 'enable', 'features', 'foreground', 'log', 'list', 'remove', 'restart', 'run', 'sanity', 'setup', 'show', 'start', 'stop', 'status', 'overview' ] # lookup in dictionary, respond with canonical version. appdir_stuff = {'appauthor': 'MetPX', 'appname': 'sr3'} # Correct name on the right, old name on the left. synonyms = { 'a': 'action', 'accel_cp_threshold': 'accelThreshold', 'accel_scp_threshold': 'accelThreshold', 'accel_wget_threshold': 'accelThreshold', 'accept_unmatch': 'acceptUnmatched', 'accept_unmatched': 'acceptUnmatched', 'at': 'attempts', 'b': 'broker', 'bd': 'baseDir', 'basedir': 'baseDir', 'base_dir': 'baseDir', 'baseurl': 'baseUrl', 'bind_queue': 'queueBind', 'cache': 'nodupe_ttl', 'c': 'include', 'cb': 'nodupe_basis', 'cache_basis': 'nodupe_basis', 'caching': 'nodupe_ttl', 'chmod': 'permDefault', 'chmod_dir': 'permDirDefault', 'chmod_log': 'permLog', 'content' : 'inline', 'content_encoding': 'inlineEncoding', 'content_max': 'inlineByteMax', 'd': 'discard', 'declare_exchange': 'exchangeDeclare', 'declare_queue': 'queueDeclare', 'default_mode': 'permDefault', 'default_dir_mode': 'permDirDefault', 'default_log_mode': 'permLog', 'destination_timezone': 'timezone', 'document_root': 'documentRoot', 'download-and-discard': 'discard', 'e' : 'fileEvents', 'events' : 'fileEvents', 'ex': 'exchange', 'exchange_split': 'exchangeSplit', 'exchange_suffix': 'exchangeSuffix', 'expiry': 'expire', 'file_time_limit' : 'fileAgeMax', 'nodupe_fileAgeMax' : 'fileAgeMax', 'nodupe_fileAgeMin' : 'fileAgeMin', 'fp' : 'force_polling', 'fs' : 'follow_symlinks', 'h' : 'help', 'heartbeat': 'housekeeping', 'hb_memory_baseline_file' : 'MemoryBaseLineFile', 'hb_memory_max' : 'MemoryMax', 'hb_memory_multiplier' : 'MemoryMultiplier', 'imx': 'inlineByteMax', 'inl' : 'inline', 'inline_encoding': 'inlineEncoding', 'inline_max': 'inlineByteMax', 'instance': 'instances', 'lock': 'inflight', 'log_format': 'logFormat', 'll': 'logLevel', 'loglevel': 'logLevel', 'log_reject': 'logReject', 'logdays': 'logRotateCount', 'log_rotate': 'logRotateCount', 'logRotate': 'logRotateCount', 'logRotate': 'logRotateCount', 'logRotate_interval': 'logRotateInterval', 'message-ttl': 'message_ttl', 'msg_replace_new_dir' : 'pathReplace', 'msg_filter_wmo2msc_replace_dir': 'filter_wmo2msc_replace_dir', 'msg_filter_wmo2msc_uniquify': 'filter_wmo2msc_uniquify', 'msg_filter_wmo2msc_tree': 'filter_wmo2msc_treeify', 'msg_filter_wmo2msc_convert': 'filter_wmo2msc_convert', 'msg_fdelay' : 'fdelay', 'n': 'no_download', 'nd': 'nodupe_ttl', 'no_duplicates': 'nodupe_ttl', 'o' : 'overwrite', 'on_msg': 'on_message', 'p' : 'path', 'pm' : 'permCopy', 'post_base_dir': 'post_baseDir', 'post_basedir': 'post_baseDir', 'post_base_url': 'post_baseUrl', 'post_baseurl': 'post_baseUrl', 'post_document_root': 'post_documentRoot', 'post_exchange_split': 'post_exchangeSplit', 'post_exchange_suffix': 'post_exchangeSuffix', 'post_rate_limit': 'messageRateMax', 'post_topic_prefix' : 'post_topicPrefix', 'preserve_mode' : 'permCopy', 'preserve_time' : 'timeCopy', 'pt' : 'timeCopy', 'qn': 'queueName', 'queue' : 'queueName', 'queue_name' : 'queueName', 'realpath' : 'realpathPost', 'realpath_filter' : 'realpathFilter', 'realpath_post' : 'realpathPost', 'remoteUrl' : 'sendTo', 'report_back': 'report', 'sd' : 'nodupe_ttl', 'sdb' : 'nodupe_basis', 'simulate': 'dry_run', 'simulation': 'dry_run', 'source_from_exchange': 'sourceFromExchange', 'sum' : 'identity', 'suppress_duplicates' : 'nodupe_ttl', 'suppress_duplicates_basis' : 'nodupe_basis', 'tls_rigour' : 'tlsRigour', 'topic_prefix' : 'topicPrefix' } credentials = None
[docs] def __init__(self, parent=None) -> 'Config': """ instantiate an empty Configuration """ self.bindings = [] self.__admin = None self.__broker = None self.__post_broker = None if Config.credentials is None: Config.credentials = sarracenia.credentials.CredentialDB() + os.sep + "credentials.conf") = None self.env = copy.deepcopy(os.environ) egdir = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(sarracenia.config.Config)) + os.sep + 'examples' self.config_search_path = [ "." , get_user_config_dir(), egdir, egdir + os.sep + 'flow' ] for k in default_options: setattr(self, k, default_options[k]) if parent is not None: for i in parent: setattr(self, i, parent[i]) self.bufsize = 1024 * 1024 self.byteRateMax = 0 self.fileAgeMax = 0 # disabled. self.fileAgeMin = 0 # disabled. self.timezone = 'UTC' self.debug = False self.declared_exchanges = [] self.discard = False self.displayFull = False self.dry_run = False self.env_declared = [] # list of variable that are "declared env"'d self.files = [] self.lineno = 0 self.v2plugins = {} self.v2plugin_options = [] self.imports = [] self.logEvents = set(['after_accept', 'after_post', 'after_work', 'on_housekeeping' ]) self.destfn_scripts = [] self.plugins_late = [] self.plugins_early = [] = None self.filename = None self.fixed_headers = {} self.flatten = '/' self.hostname = socket.getfqdn() self.hostdir = socket.getfqdn().split('.')[0] self.log_flowcb_needed = False self.sleep = 0.1 self.housekeeping = 300 self.inline = False self.inlineByteMax = 4096 self.inlineEncoding = 'guess' self.identity_arbitrary_value = None self.logReject = False self.logRotateCount = 5 self.logRotateInterval = 60*60*24 self.masks = [] self.instances = 1 self.mirror = False self.messageAgeMax = 0 self.post_exchanges = [] #self.post_topicPrefix = None self.pstrip = False self.queueName = None self.randomize = False self.rename = None self.randid = "%04x" % randint(0, 65536) self.statehost = False self.settings = {} self.strip = 0 self.timeout = 300 self.tlsRigour = 'normal' self.topicPrefix = [ 'v03', 'post' ] self.undeclared = [] self.declared_users = {} self.users = False = []
[docs] def __deepcopy__(self, memo) -> 'Configuration': r""" code for this from here: Needed for python < 3.7ish? (ubuntu 18) found this bug: deepcopy fails for objects with re's in them? ok on ubuntu 20.04 """ cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = result for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if k == 'masks': v2=[] for m in v: v2.append(tuple(list(copy.deepcopy(m[0:3]))+ [m[3]] + list(copy.deepcopy(m[4:])))) setattr(result, k, v2) else: setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo)) return result
[docs] def _validate_urlstr(self, urlstr) -> tuple : """ returns a tuple ( bool, expanded_url ) the bool is whether the expansion worked, and the expanded_url is one with the added necessary authentication details from sarracenia.Credentials. """ # check url and add credentials if needed from credential file ok, cred_details = Config.credentials.get(urlstr) if cred_details is None: logging.critical("bad credential %s" % urlstr) # Callers expect that a Credential object will be returned cred_details = sarracenia.credentials.Credential() cred_details.url = urllib.parse.urlparse(urlstr) return False, cred_details return True, cred_details
[docs] def applyComponentDefaults( self, component ): """ overlay defaults options for the given component to the given configuration. """ if component in ['post']: self.override( elif component in ['poll']: self.override(sarracenia.flow.poll.default_options) elif component in ['sarra']: self.override(sarradefopts) elif component in ['sender']: self.override(sarracenia.flow.sender.default_options) elif component in ['subscribe']: self.override(sarracenia.flow.subscribe.default_options) elif component in ['watch']: self.override(
@property def admin(self): return self.__admin @admin.setter def admin(self, v): if type(v) is str: ok, cred_details = self._validate_urlstr(v) if ok: self.__admin = cred_details else: self.__admin = v @property def broker(self): return self.__broker @broker.setter def broker(self, v): if type(v) is str: ok, cred_details = self._validate_urlstr(v) if ok: self.__broker = cred_details else: self.__broker = v @property def post_broker(self): return self.__post_broker @post_broker.setter def post_broker(self, v): if type(v) is str: ok, cred_details = self._validate_urlstr(v) if ok: self.__post_broker = cred_details else: self.__post_broker = v
[docs] def _varsub(self, word): """ substitute variable values from options """ if word is None: return word elif type(word) in [bool, int, float, octal_number]: return word elif not '$' in word: return word result = word if (('${BROKER_USER}' in word) and hasattr(self, 'broker') and is not None and is not None and hasattr(, 'username')): result = result.replace('${BROKER_USER}', # FIXME: would this work also automagically if BROKER.USERNAME ? if (('${POST_BROKER_USER}' in word) and hasattr(self, 'post_broker') and self.post_broker is not None and self.post_broker.url is not None and hasattr(self.post_broker.url, 'username')): result = result.replace('${POST_BROKER_USER}', self.post_broker.url.username) if not '$' in result: return result elst = [] plst = result.split('}') for parts in plst: try: if '{' in parts: elst.append((parts.split('{'))[1]) except: pass for E in elst: if E in ['PROGRAM']: e = 'component' else: e = E.lower() if hasattr(self, e): repval = getattr(self, e) if type(repval) is list: repval = repval[0] result = result.replace('${' + E + '}', repval) continue if E in self.env.keys(): result = result.replace('${' + E + '}', self.env[E]) if sys.platform == 'win32': result = result.replace('\\', '/') return result
[docs] def _build_mask(self, option, arguments): """ return new entry to be appended to list of masks """ try: regex = re.compile(arguments[0]) except: logger.critical( f"{self.files}{self.lineno} invalid regular expression: {arguments[0]}, ignored." ) return None if len(arguments) > 1: fn = arguments[1] else: fn = self.filename if fn and re.compile('DESTFNSCRIPT=.*').match(fn): script=fn[13:] self.destfn_scripts.append(script) if d = os.path.expanduser( else: d = return (arguments[0], d, fn, regex, option.lower() in ['accept' ], self.mirror, self.strip, self.pstrip, self.flatten)
[docs] def mask_ppstr(self, mask): """ return a pretty print string version of the given mask, easier for humans to read. """ pattern, maskDir, maskFileOption, mask_regexp, accepting, mirror, strip, pstrip, flatten = mask s = 'accept' if accepting else 'reject' if pstrip : strip=pstrip strip = '' if strip == 0 else f' strip:{strip}' fn = '' if (maskFileOption == 'WHATFN') else f' filename:{maskFileOption}' flatten = '' if flatten == '/' else f' flatten:{flatten}' w = 'with ' if fn or flatten or strip else '' return f'{s} {pattern} into {maskDir} {w}mirror:{mirror}{strip}{flatten}{fn}'
[docs] def _parse_set_string( self, v:str, old_value: set ) -> set: """ given a set string, return a python set. """ sv=set() if type(v) is list: sv=set(v) elif type(v) is set: sv=v elif type(v) is str: v=v.replace('|',',') if v == 'None': sv=set([]) else: if v[0] in [ '+', '-']: op=v[0] v=v[1:] else: op='r' if ',' in v: sv=set(v.split(',')) else: sv=set([v]) if op == '+': sv= old_value | sv elif op == '-' : sv= old_value - sv return sv
[docs] def add_option(self, option, kind='list', default_value=None, all_values=None ): r""" options can be declared in any plugin. There are various *kind* of options, where the declared type modifies the parsing. * 'count' integer count type. * 'octal' base-8 (octal) integer type. * 'duration' a floating point number indicating a quantity of seconds (0.001 is 1 milisecond) modified by a unit suffix ( m-minute, h-hour, w-week ) * 'flag' boolean (True/False) option. * 'float' a simple floating point number. * 'list' a list of string values, each succeeding occurrence catenates to the total. all v2 plugin options are declared of type list. * 'set' a set of string values, each succeeding occurrence is unioned to the total. if all_values is provided, then constrain set to that. * 'size' integer size. Suffixes k, m, and g for kilo, mega, and giga (base 2) multipliers. * 'str' an arbitrary string value, as will all of the above types, each succeeding occurrence overrides the previous one. If a value is set to None, that could mean that it has not been set. """ #Blindly add the option to the list if it doesn't already exist if not hasattr(self, option): setattr(self, option, default_value) # Retreive the 'new' option & enforce the correct type. v = getattr(self, option) if kind not in [ 'list', 'set' ] and type(v) == list: v=v[-1] logger.warning( f"{self.files}{self.lineno} multiple declarations of {kind} {option}={getattr(self,option)} choosing last one: {v}" ) if kind == 'count': count_options.append(option) if type(v) is not int: setattr(self, option, humanfriendly.parse_size(v)) elif kind == 'duration': duration_options.append(option) if type(v) is not float: setattr(self, option, durationToSeconds(v,default_value)) elif kind == 'flag': flag_options.append(option) if type(v) is not bool: setattr(self, option, isTrue(v)) elif kind == 'float': float_options.append(option) if type(v) is not float: setattr(self, option, float(v)) elif kind == 'list': list_options.append( option ) if type(v) is not list: #subtlety... None means: has not been set, # where an empty list to be an explicit setting. if v is None: setattr(self, option, None) else: setattr(self, option, [v]) elif kind == 'octal': perm_options.append(option) if type(v) is not octal_number: setattr(self, option, octal_number(int(v,base=8))) elif kind == 'set': set_options.append(option) sv = self._parse_set_string(v,set()) setattr(self, option, sv) if all_values: set_choices[option] = all_values elif kind == 'size': size_options.append(option) if type(v) is not int: setattr(self, option, humanfriendly.parse_size(v)) elif kind == 'str': str_options.append(option) if v is None: setattr(self, option, None) elif type(v) is not str: setattr(self, option, str(v)) else: logger.error( f'{self.files}{self.lineno} invalid kind: %s for option: %s, ignored' % ( kind, option ) ) return logger.debug( f'{self.files}{self.lineno} {option} declared as type:{type(getattr(self,option))} value:{v}' )
[docs] def dump(self): """ print out what the configuration looks like. """ term = shutil.get_terminal_size((80, 20)) # for python > 3.7 #c = copy.deepcopy(self.dictify()) # but older python needs: c = self.dictify() d={} for k in c: if k == 'masks': i=0 d['masks'] = [] while i < len(c['masks']): d['masks'].append( self.mask_ppstr(c['masks'][i]) ) i+=1 else: d[k] = copy.deepcopy(c[k]) for omit in [ 'env' ] : del d[omit] for k in d: if type(d[k]) is sarracenia.credentials.Credential : d[k] = str(d[k]) pprint.pprint( d, width=term.columns, compact=True ) return
[docs] def dictify(self): """ return a dict version of the cfg... """ cd = self.__dict__ if hasattr(self, 'admin'): cd['admin'] = self.admin if hasattr(self, 'broker'): cd['broker'] = if hasattr(self, 'post_broker'): cd['post_broker'] = self.post_broker return cd
def get_source_from_exchange(self,exchange): #self.logger.debug("%s get_source_from_exchange %s" % (self.program_name,exchange)) source = None if len(exchange) < 4 or not exchange.startswith('xs_') : return source # check if source is a valid declared source user len_u = 0 try: # look for user with role source for u in self.declared_users : if self.declared_users[u] != 'source' : continue if exchange[3:].startswith(u) and len(u) > len_u : source = u len_u = len(u) except: pass return source def _merge_field(self, key, value): if key == 'masks': self.masks += value else: if value is not None: setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def merge(self, oth): """ merge to lists of options. merge two lists of options if one is cumulative then merge, otherwise if not None, then take value from oth """ if type(oth) == dict: for k in oth.keys(): self._merge_field(k, self._varsub(oth[k])) else: for k in oth.__dict__.keys(): self._merge_field(k, self._varsub(getattr(oth, k)))
def _override_field(self, key, value): if key == 'masks': self.masks += value else: setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def override(self, oth): """ override a value in a set of options. why override() method and not just assign values to the dictionary? in the configuration file, there are various ways to have variable substituion. override invokes those, so that they are properly interpreted. Otherwise, you just end up with a literal value. """ if type(oth) == dict: for k in oth.keys(): self._override_field(k, self._varsub(oth[k])) else: for k in oth.__dict__.keys(): self._override_field(k, self._varsub(getattr(oth, k)))
[docs] def _resolve_exchange(self): """ based on the given configuration, fill in with defaults or guesses. sets """ if not hasattr(self, 'exchange') or is None: #if hasattr(self, 'post_broker') and self.post_broker is not None and self.post_broker.url is not None: # = 'xs_%s' % self.post_broker.url.username #else: if not hasattr(,'username') or ( == 'anonymous' ): = 'xpublic' else: = 'xs_%s' % if hasattr(self, 'exchangeSuffix'): += '_%s' % self.exchangeSuffix if hasattr(self, 'exchangeSplit') and hasattr( self, 'no') and ( > 0): += "%02d" %
[docs] def _parse_binding(self, subtopic_string): """ FIXME: see original parse, with substitions for url encoding. also should sqwawk about error if no exchange or topicPrefix defined. also None to reset to empty, not done. """ if hasattr(self, 'broker') and is not None and is not None: self._resolve_exchange() if type(subtopic_string) is str: if not hasattr(self, 'broker') or is None or is None: logger.error( f'{self.files}:{self.lineno} broker needed before subtopic' ) return if == 'amq' : subtopic = subtopic_string.split('.') else: subtopic = subtopic_string.split('/') if hasattr(self, 'exchange') and hasattr(self, 'topicPrefix'): self.bindings.append((, self.topicPrefix, subtopic))
[docs] def _parse_v2plugin(self, entryPoint, value): """ config file parsing for a v2 plugin. """ if not entryPoint in Config.v2entry_points: logging.error( "undefined entry point: {} skipped".format(entryPoint)) return if not entryPoint in self.v2plugins: self.v2plugins[entryPoint] = [value] else: self.v2plugins[entryPoint].append(value)
def _parse_declare(self, words): if words[0] in ['env', 'envvar', 'var', 'value']: name, value = words[1].split('=') self.env[name] = value self.env_declared.append(name) elif words[0] in ['option', 'o']: self._parse_option(words[1], words[2:]) elif words[0] in ['source', 'subscriber', 'subscribe']: self.declared_users[words[1]] = words[0] elif words[0] in ['exchange']: self.declared_exchanges.append(words[1])
[docs] def _parse_setting(self, opt, value): """ v3 plugin accept options for specific modules. parsed from: set sarracenia.flowcb.log.filter.Log.level debug example: opt= sarracenia.flowcb.log.filter.Log.level value = debug results in: self.settings[ sarracenia.flowcb.log.filter.Log ][level] = debug options should be fed to plugin class on instantiation. stripped of class... * options = { 'level' : 'debug' } """ opt_class = '.'.join(opt.split('.')[:-1]) opt_var = opt.split('.')[-1] if opt_class not in self.settings: self.settings[opt_class] = {} self.settings[opt_class][opt_var] = ' '.join(value)
def _parse_sum(self, value): #logger.error('FIXME! input value: %s' % value) if not value: if not self.identity_method: return value = self.identity_method if (value in sarracenia.identity.known_methods) or ( value[0:4] == 'cod,'): self.identity_method = value #logger.error('returning 1: %s' % value) return #logger.error( f'1 value: {value} self.identity_method={self.identity_method}' ) if (value[0:2] == 'z,'): value = value[2:] self.identity_method = 'cod,' elif (value[0:2] == 'a,'): self.identity_method = 'arbitrary' self.identity_arbitrary_value = value[2:] else: self.identity_method = value #logger.error( f'2 value: {value} self.identity_method={self.identity_method}' ) if value.lower() in [ 'n', 'none' ]: self.identity_method = None #logger.error('returning 1.1: %s' % 'none') return #logger.error( f'3 value: {value} self.identity_method={self.identity_method}' ) for sc in sarracenia.identity.Identity.__subclasses__(): #logger.error('against 1.8: %s' % sc.__name__.lower() ) if value == sc.__name__.lower(): #logger.error('returning 2: %s' % value ) if self.identity_method == 'cod,': self.identity_method += value else: self.identity_method = value return if hasattr(sc, 'registered_as'): #logger.error('against 3: %s' % sc.registered_as() ) if (sc.registered_as() == value): if self.identity_method == 'cod,': self.identity_method += sc.__name__.lower() else: self.identity_method = sc.__name__.lower() #logger.error('returning 3: %s' % self.identity_method) return # FIXME this is an error return case, how to designate an invalid checksum? self.identity_method = 'invalid' #logger.error('returning 4: invalid' )
[docs] def parse_file(self, cfg, component=None): """ add settings from a given config file to self """ if component: cfname = f'{component}/{cfg}' else: cfname = cfg logger.debug( f'looking for {cfg} (in {os.getcwd()}') cfg=os.path.expanduser(cfg) if cfg[0] == os.sep: cfgfilepath=cfg else: cfgfilepath=None for d in self.config_search_path: cfgfilepath=d + os.sep + cfg if os.path.isfile( cfgfilepath ): break if not cfgfilepath: logger.error( f'failed to find {cfg}' ) return logger.debug( f'found {cfgfilepath}') lineno=0 saved_lineno=0 self.files.append(cfgfilepath) for l in open(cfgfilepath, "r").readlines(): l = l.strip() lineno+=1 if self.lineno > 0: saved_lineno = self.lineno self.lineno = lineno line = l.split() #print('FIXME parsing %s:%d %s' % (cfg, lineno, line )) if (len(line) < 1) or (line[0].startswith('#')): continue k = line[0] if k in Config.synonyms: k = Config.synonyms[k] elif k == 'destination': if component == 'poll': k = 'pollUrl' else: k = 'sendTo' elif k == 'broker' and component == 'poll' : k = 'post_broker' if (k in convert_to_v3): self.log_flowcb_needed |= '_log' in k if (len(line) > 1): v = line[1].replace('.py', '', 1) if (v in convert_to_v3[k]): line = convert_to_v3[k][v] k = line[0] if 'continue' in line: logger.debug( f'{cfname}:{lineno} obsolete v2: \"{l}\" ignored' ) else: logger.debug( f'{cfname}:{lineno} obsolete v2:\"{l}\" converted to sr3:\"{" ".join(line)}\"' ) else: line = convert_to_v3[k] k=line[0] v=line[1] if k == 'continue': continue #FIXME: note for Clea, line conversion to v3 complete here. line = list(map(lambda x: self._varsub(x), line)) if len(line) == 1: v = True else: v = line[1] # FIXME... I think synonym check should happen here, but no time to check right now. if k in flag_options: if len(line) == 1: setattr(self, k, True) else: setattr(self, k, isTrue(v)) if k in ['logReject'] and self.logReject: self.logEvents = self.logEvents | set(['reject']) continue if len(line) < 2: logger.error( f'{self.files}:{lineno} {k} missing argument(s) ' ) continue if k in ['accept', 'reject' ]: self.masks.append(self._build_mask(k, line[1:])) elif k in [ 'callback', 'cb' ]: #vv = v.split('.') #v = 'sarracenia.flowcb.' + v + '.' + vv[-1].capitalize() if v not in self.plugins_late: self.plugins_late.append(v) elif k in [ 'callback_prepend', 'cbp' ]: #vv = v.split('.') #v = 'sarracenia.flowcb.' + v + '.' + vv[-1].capitalize() if v not in self.plugins_early: self.plugins_early.insert(0,v) elif k in ['declare']: self._parse_declare(line[1:]) elif k in ['feeder', 'manager']: self.feeder = urllib.parse.urlparse(line[1]) self.declared_users[self.feeder.username] = 'feeder' elif k in ['header', 'h']: (kk, vv) = line[1].split('=') self.fixed_headers[kk] = vv elif k in ['include', 'config']: try: self.parse_file(v) except Exception as ex: logger.error( f'{self.files}:{self.lineno} file {v} failed to parse: {ex}' ) logger.debug('Exception details: ', exc_info=True) elif k in ['subtopic']: self._parse_binding(v) elif k in ['topicPrefix']: if '/' in v : self.topicPrefix = v.split('/') else: self.topicPrefix = v.split('.') elif k in ['post_topicPrefix']: #if (not self.post_broker.url) or self.post_broker.url.scheme[0:3] == 'amq': if '/' in v : self.post_topicPrefix = v.split('/') else: self.post_topicPrefix = v.split('.') elif k in ['import']: self.imports.append(v) elif k in ['flow_callback', 'flowcb', 'fcb', 'flowCallback' ]: if v not in self.plugins_late: self.plugins_late.append(v) elif k in ['flow_callback_prepend', 'flowcb_prepend', 'fcbp', 'flowCallbackPrepend' ]: if v not in self.plugins_early: self.plugins_early.insert(0, v) elif k in ['set', 'setting', 's']: self._parse_setting(line[1], line[2:]) elif k in ['identity', 'integrity']: self._parse_sum(v) elif k in Config.port_required: logger.error( f' {cfname}:{lineno} {k} {v} not supported in v3, consult porting guide. Option ignored.' ) logger.error( f' porting guide: ' ) continue elif k in Config.v2entry_points: #if k in self.plugins: # self.plugins.remove(v) self._parse_v2plugin(k, v) elif k in ['no-import']: self._parse_v3unplugin(v) elif k in ['inflight', 'lock']: if v[:-1].isnumeric(): vv = durationToSeconds(v) setattr(self, k, vv) self.fileAgeMin = vv else: if line[1].lower() in ['none', 'off', 'false']: setattr(self, k, None) else: setattr(self, k, v) elif k in ['strip']: """ 2020/08/26 - PAS strip in config file gets translated into two separate attributes: strip and pstrip. strip is the numeric variety (0-n) and if the supplied option in a regex pattern, then instead pstrip is set, and strip is set to 0. I don't know why it is done this way... just documenting/conforming to existing state. """ if v.isdigit(): self.strip = int(v) self.pstrip = None else: if v[0] == '/': self.pstrip = v[1:] else: self.pstrip = v self.strip = 0 elif k in duration_options: if len(line) == 1: logger.error( '%s:%d %s is a duration option requiring a decimal number of seconds value' % ( cfname, lineno, line[0]) ) continue setattr(self, k, durationToSeconds(v)) elif k in float_options: try: setattr(self, k, float(v)) except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: logger.error(f'{self.files}:{self.lineno} Ignored "{i}": {e}') elif k in perm_options: if v.isdigit(): setattr(self, k, octal_number(int(v, base=8))) else: logger.error( f'{self.files}:{lineno} {k} setting to {v} ignored: only numberic modes supported' ) elif k in size_options: setattr(self, k, humanfriendly.parse_size(v)) elif k in count_options: setattr(self, k, humanfriendly.parse_size(v)) elif k in list_options: if not hasattr(self, k) or not getattr(self,k): setattr(self, k, [' '.join(line[1:])]) else: l = getattr(self, k) l.append(' '.join(line[1:])) elif k in set_options: if v.lower() == 'none': setattr(self, k, set([])) continue if v.lower() in [ 'all' , '+all' ]: if k in set_choices: setattr(self,k,set_choices[k]) continue v=v.replace('|',',') vs = self._parse_set_string(v,getattr(self,k)) setattr(self, k, vs ) if k in set_choices : for i in getattr(self,k): if i not in set_choices[k]: logger.error( f'{self.files}:{lineno} invalid entry {i} in {k}. Must be one of: {set_choices[k]}' ) elif k in str_options: if ( k == 'directory' ) and not f"{self.files}:{lineno} if download is false, directory has no effect" ) v = ' '.join(line[1:]) if v == 'None': v=None setattr(self, k, v) else: #FIXME: with _options lists for all types and addition of declare, this is probably now dead code. if k not in self.undeclared: logger.debug( f'{self.files}:{self.lineno} possibly undeclared option: {line}' ) v = ' '.join(line[1:]) if hasattr(self, k): if type(getattr(self, k)) is float: setattr(self, k, float(v)) elif type(getattr(self, k)) is int: # the only integers that have units are durations. # integers without units will come out unchanged. setattr(self, k, durationToSeconds(v)) elif type(getattr(self, k)) is str: setattr(self, k, [getattr(self, k), v]) elif type(getattr(self, k)) is list: newv=getattr(self,k) newv.append(v) setattr(self, k, newv) else: # FIXME: setattr(self, k, v) self.undeclared.append( (cfname, lineno, k) ) self.files.pop() self.lineno = saved_lineno
def _resolveQueueName(self,component,cfg): queuefile = sarracenia.user_cache_dir( Config.appdir_stuff['appname'], Config.appdir_stuff['appauthor']) if self.statehost: queuefile += os.sep + self.hostdir queuefile += os.sep + component + os.sep + cfg queuefile += os.sep + component + '.' + cfg + '.' + if hasattr(self, 'exchangeSplit') and hasattr( self, 'no') and ( > 0): queuefile += "%02d" % queuefile += '.qname' self.queue_filename = queuefile #while (not hasattr(self, 'queueName')) or (self.queueName is None): """ normal: if not the lead instance, wait a bit for the queuefile to be written. look for a queuefile in the state directory, if it is there, read it. if you can't read the file if you are instance 1, or 0 (foreground) and the queuefile is missing, then need to write it. if queueName is set, use that, if not if you set the queuename, it might have variable values that when evaluated repeatedly (such as randomized settings) will come out differently every time. So even in the case of a fixed queue name, need to write """ if hasattr(self,'no') and > 1: # worker instances need give lead instance time to write the queuefile time.sleep(randint(4,14)) queue_file_read=False config_read_try=0 while not queue_file_read: if os.path.isfile(queuefile): f = open(queuefile, 'r') self.queueName = f.close() else: self.queueName = '' config_read_try += 1 logger.debug( f'instance read try {config_read_try} queueName {self.queueName} from queue state file {queuefile}' ) if len(self.queueName) < 1: nap=randint(1,4) logger.debug( f'queue name corrupt take a short {nap} second nap, then try again' ) time.sleep(nap) if config_read_try > 5: logger.critical( f'failed to read queue name from {queuefile}') sys.exit(2) else: queue_file_read=True else: # only lead instance (0-foreground, 1-start, or none in the case of 'declare') # should write the state file. # lead instance shou if os.path.isfile(queuefile): f = open(queuefile, 'r') self.queueName = f.close() #if the queuefile is corrupt, then will need to guess anyways. if ( self.queueName is None ) or ( self.queueName == '' ): queueName = 'q_' + + '_' + component + '.' + cfg if hasattr(self, 'queue_suffix'): queueName += '.' + self.queue_suffix queueName += '.' + str(randint(0, 100000000)).zfill(8) queueName += '.' + str(randint(0, 100000000)).zfill(8) self.queueName = queueName logger.debug( f'default guessed queueName {self.queueName} ' ) if self.action not in [ 'start', 'foreground', 'declare' ]: return # first make sure directory exists. if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(queuefile)): pathlib.Path(os.path.dirname(queuefile)).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not os.path.isfile(queuefile) and (self.queueName is not None): tmpQfile=queuefile+'.tmp' if not os.path.isfile(tmpQfile): f = open(tmpQfile, 'w') f.write(self.queueName) f.close() os.rename( tmpQfile, queuefile ) else: f'Queue name {self.queueName} being persisted to {queuefile} by some other process, so ignoring it.' ) return logger.debug( f'queue name {self.queueName} persisted to {queuefile}' )
[docs] def finalize(self, component=None, config=None): """ Before final use, take the existing settings, and infer any missing needed defaults from what is provided. Should be called prior to using a configuration. There are default options that apply only if they are not overridden... """ self._parse_sum(None) if not component and self.component: component = self.component if not config and self.config: config = self.config if self.action not in self.actions: logger.error( f"invalid action: {self.action} must be one of: {','.join(self.actions)}" ) if hasattr(self, 'nodupe_ttl'): if (type(self.nodupe_ttl) is str): if isTrue(self.nodupe_ttl): self.nodupe_ttl = 300 else: self.nodupe_ttl = durationToSeconds( self.nodupe_ttl, default=300) else: self.nodupe_ttl = 0 if self.debug: self.logLevel = 'debug' if = os.path.expanduser( # double check to ensure duration options are properly parsed for d in duration_options: if hasattr(self, d) and (type(getattr(self, d)) is str): setattr(self, d, durationToSeconds(getattr(self, d))) if hasattr(self, 'kbytes_ps'): bytes_ps = humanfriendly.parse_size(self.kbytes_ps) if not self.kbytes_ps[-1].isalpha(): bytes_ps *= 1024 setattr(self, 'byteRateMax', bytes_ps) for d in count_options: if hasattr(self, d) and (type(getattr(self, d)) is str): setattr(self, d, humanfriendly.parse_size(getattr(self, d))) for d in size_options: if hasattr(self, d) and (type(getattr(self, d)) is str): setattr(self, d, chunksize_from_str(getattr(self, d))) for f in flag_options: if hasattr(self, f) and (type(getattr(self, f)) is str): setattr(self, f, isTrue(getattr(self, f))) for f in float_options: if hasattr(self, f) and (type(getattr(self, f)) is str): setattr(self, f, float(getattr(self, f))) if ( (len(self.logEvents) > 0 ) or self.log_flowcb_needed) : if ('sarracenia.flowcb.log.Log' not in self.plugins_late) and \ ('log' not in self.plugins_late) : self.plugins_late.append( 'log' ) # patch, as there is no 'none' level in python logging module... # mapping so as not to break v2 configs. if hasattr(self, 'logLevel'): if self.logLevel == 'none': self.logLevel = 'critical' if hasattr(self, 'nodupe_basis'): if self.nodupe_basis == 'data': self.plugins_early.append( '' ) delattr( self, 'nodupe_basis' ) elif self.nodupe_basis == 'name': self.plugins_early.append( '' ) delattr( self, 'nodupe_basis' ) # FIXME: note that v2 *user_cache_dir* is, v3 called: cfg_run_dir if config[-5:] == '.conf': cfg = config[:-5] else: cfg = config if self.sanity_log_dead == 9999 : self.sanity_log_dead = 1.5*self.housekeeping if not hasattr(self, 'post_topicPrefix'): self.post_topicPrefix = self.topicPrefix if not hasattr(self, 'retry_ttl' ): self.retry_ttl = self.expire if self.retry_ttl == 0: self.retry_ttl = None if not hasattr(self, 'cfg_run_dir'): if self.statehost: hostdir = self.hostdir else: hostdir = None self.cfg_run_dir = os.path.join(get_user_cache_dir(hostdir), component, cfg) if self.post_broker is not None and self.post_broker.url is not None: if not hasattr(self, 'post_exchange') or self.post_exchange is None: self.post_exchange = 'xs_%s' % self.post_broker.url.username if hasattr(self, 'post_exchangeSuffix'): self.post_exchange += '_%s' % self.post_exchangeSuffix if hasattr(self,'post_exchange') and (type(self.post_exchange) is list ): pass elif hasattr(self, 'post_exchangeSplit') and self.post_exchangeSplit > 1: l = [] for i in range(0, int(self.post_exchangeSplit)): y = self.post_exchange + '%02d' % i l.append(y) self.post_exchange = l else: self.post_exchange = [self.post_exchange] if (component in ['poll' ]) and (hasattr(self,'vip') and if (not hasattr(self,'exchange') or not if type(self.post_exchange) is list: = self.post_exchange[0] else: = self.post_exchange if (not hasattr(self,'broker') or not = self.post_broker if not ( hasattr(self, 'source') or self.sourceFromExchange): if hasattr(self, 'post_broker') and hasattr(self.post_broker,'url') and self.post_broker.url.username: self.source = self.post_broker.url.username elif hasattr(self, 'broker') and hasattr(,'url') and self.source = if and and self._resolve_exchange() self._resolveQueueName(component,cfg) valid_inlineEncodings = [ 'guess', 'text', 'binary' ] if hasattr(self, 'inlineEncoding') and self.inlineEncoding not in valid_inlineEncodings: logger.error( f"invalid inlineEncoding: {self.inlineEncoding} must be one of: {','.join(valid_inlineEncodings)}" ) if hasattr(self, 'no'): if self.statehost: hostdir = self.hostdir else: hostdir = None self.metricsFilename = get_metrics_filename(hostdir, component, cfg, self.pid_filename = get_pid_filename(hostdir, component, cfg, self.retry_path = self.pid_filename.replace('.pid', '.retry') self.novipFilename = self.pid_filename.replace('.pid', '.noVip') if (self.bindings == [] and hasattr(self, 'exchange')): self.bindings = [(, self.topicPrefix, [ '#' ])] if hasattr(self, 'documentRoot') and (self.documentRoot is not None): path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.abspath(self.documentRoot)) if self.realpathPost: path = os.path.realpath(path) if sys.platform == 'win32' and words0.find('\\'): logger.warning("%s %s" % (words0, words1)) logger.warning( "use of backslash ( \\ ) is an escape character. For a path separator use forward slash ( / )." ) if sys.platform == 'win32': self.documentRoot = path.replace('\\', '/') else: self.documentRoot = path n = 2 if hasattr(self, 'pollUrl'): if not hasattr(self,'post_baseUrl') or not self.post_baseUrl : logger.debug( f"defaulting post_baseUrl to match pollURl, since it isn't specified." ) self.post_baseUrl = self.pollUrl # verify post_baseDir if self.post_baseDir is None: if self.post_documentRoot is not None: self.post_baseDir = os.path.expanduser(self.post_documentRoot) logger.warning("use post_baseDir instead of post_documentRoot") elif self.documentRoot is not None: self.post_baseDir = os.path.expanduser(self.documentRoot) logger.warning("use post_baseDir instead of documentRoot") elif self.post_baseUrl and ( self.post_baseUrl[0:5] in [ 'file:' ] ): self.post_baseDir = self.post_baseUrl[5:] elif self.post_baseUrl and ( self.post_baseUrl[0:5] in [ 'sftp:' ] ): u = sarracenia.baseUrlParse(self.post_baseUrl) self.post_baseDir = u.path elif self.baseDir is not None: self.post_baseDir = os.path.expanduser(self.baseDir) logger.debug("defaulting post_baseDir to same as baseDir") if self.messageCountMax > 0: if self.batch > self.messageCountMax: self.batch = self.messageCountMax f'overriding batch for consistency with messageCountMax: {self.batch}' ) if (component not in ['poll' ]): self.path = list(map( os.path.expanduser, self.path )) else: if not (hasattr(self,'scheduled_interval') or hasattr(self,'scheduled_hour') or hasattr(self,'scheduled_minute')): if self.sleep > 1: self.scheduled_interval = self.sleep self.sleep=1 if and not features['vip']['present']: logger.critical( f"vip feature requested, but missing library: {' '.join(features['vip']['modules_needed'])} " ) sys.exit(1)
def check_undeclared_options(self): alloptions = str_options + flag_options + float_options + list_options + set_options + count_options + size_options + duration_options # FIXME: confused about this... commenting out for now... for f,l,u in self.undeclared: if u not in alloptions: logger.error( f"{f}:{l} undeclared option: {u}") elif u in flag_options: if type( getattr(self,u) ) is not bool: setattr(self,u,isTrue(getattr(self,u))) elif u in float_options: if type( getattr(self,u) ) is not float: setattr(self,u,float(getattr(self,u))) elif u in set_options: if type( getattr(self,u) ) is not set: setattr(self,u,self._parse_set_string(getattr(self,u),set())) elif u in str_options: if type( getattr(self,u) ) is not str: setattr(self,u,str(getattr(self,u))) elif u in count_options: if type( getattr(self,u) ) not in [ int, float ]: setattr(self,u,humanfriendly.parse_size(getattr(self,u))) elif u in size_options: if type( getattr(self,u) ) not in [ int, float ]: setattr(self,u,humanfriendly.parse_size(getattr(self,u))) elif u in duration_options: if type( getattr(self,u) ) not in [ int, float ]: setattr(self,u,durationToSeconds(getattr(self,u))) # list options are the default, so no need to regularize no_defaults=set() for u in alloptions: if not hasattr(self,u): no_defaults.add( u ) logger.debug("missing defaults: %s" % no_defaults) """ 2020/05/26 FIXME here begins sheer terror. following routines are taken verbatim from v2. trying not to touch it... it is painful. setting new_ values for downloading etc... sundew_* ... """
[docs] def _sundew_basename_parts(self, pattern, basename): """ modified from metpx SenderFTP """ if pattern == None: return [] parts = re.findall(pattern, basename) if len(parts) == 2 and parts[1] == '': parts.pop(1) if len(parts) != 1: return None lst = [] if isinstance(parts[0], tuple): lst = list(parts[0]) else: lst.append(parts[0]) return lst
# from metpx SenderFTP
[docs] def sundew_dirPattern(self, pattern, urlstr, basename, destDir): """ does substitutions for patterns in directories. """ BN = basename.split(":") EN = BN[0].split("_") BP = self._sundew_basename_parts(pattern, urlstr) ndestDir = "" DD = destDir.split("/") for ddword in DD: if ddword == "": continue nddword = "" DW = ddword.split("$") for dwword in DW: nddword += self.sundew_matchPattern(BN, EN, BP, dwword, dwword) ndestDir += "/" + nddword # This code might add an unwanted '/' in front of ndestDir # if destDir does not start with a substitution $ and # if destDir does not start with a / ... it does not need one if (len(destDir) > 0) and (destDir[0] != '$') and (destDir[0] != '/'): if ndestDir[0] == '/': ndestDir = ndestDir[1:] return ndestDir
# modified from metpx SenderFTP def sundew_matchPattern(self, BN, EN, BP, keywd, defval): BN6 = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.gmtime()) if len(BN) >= 7: BN6 = BN[6] if keywd[:4] == "{T1}": return (EN[0])[0:1] + keywd[4:] elif keywd[:4] == "{T2}": return (EN[0])[1:2] + keywd[4:] elif keywd[:4] == "{A1}": return (EN[0])[2:3] + keywd[4:] elif keywd[:4] == "{A2}": return (EN[0])[3:4] + keywd[4:] elif keywd[:4] == "{ii}": return (EN[0])[4:6] + keywd[4:] elif keywd[:6] == "{CCCC}": return EN[1] + keywd[6:] elif keywd[:4] == "{YY}": return (EN[2])[0:2] + keywd[4:] elif keywd[:4] == "{GG}": return (EN[2])[2:4] + keywd[4:] elif keywd[:4] == "{Gg}": return (EN[2])[4:6] + keywd[4:] elif keywd[:5] == "{BBB}": return (EN[3])[0:3] + keywd[5:] # from pds'datetime suffix... not sure elif keywd[:7] == "{RYYYY}": return BN6[0:4] + keywd[7:] elif keywd[:5] == "{RMM}": return BN6[4:6] + keywd[5:] elif keywd[:5] == "{RDD}": return BN6[6:8] + keywd[5:] elif keywd[:5] == "{RHH}": return BN6[8:10] + keywd[5:] elif keywd[:5] == "{RMN}": return BN6[10:12] + keywd[5:] elif keywd[:5] == "{RSS}": return BN6[12:14] + keywd[5:] # Matching with basename parts if given if BP != None: for i, v in enumerate(BP): kw = '{' + str(i) + '}' lkw = len(kw) if keywd[:lkw] == kw: return v + keywd[lkw:] return defval
[docs] def variableExpansion(self, cdir, message=None ) -> str: """ replace substitution patterns, variable substitutions as described in returns: the given string with the substiturions done. examples: ${YYYYMMDD-70m} becomes 20221107 assuming that was the current date 70 minutes ago. environment variables, and built-in settings are replaced also. timeoffset -70m """ if not '$' in cdir: return cdir new_dir = cdir while '${BD}' in new_dir and self.baseDir != None: new_dir = new_dir.replace('${BD}', self.baseDir, 1) while ( '${BUP}' in new_dir ) and ( 'baseUrl' in message ): u = sarracenia.baseUrlParse( message['baseUrl'] ) new_dir = new_dir.replace('${BUP}', u.path, 1 ) while ( '${baseUrlPath}' in new_dir ) and ( 'baseUrl' in message ): u = sarracenia.baseUrlParse( message['baseUrl'] ) new_dir = new_dir.replace('${baseUrlPath}', u.path, 1) while ( '${BUPL}' in new_dir ) and ( 'baseUrl' in message ): u = sarracenia.baseUrlParse( message['baseUrl'] ) new_dir = new_dir.replace('${BUPL}', os.path.basename(u.path), 1 ) while ( '${baseUrlPathLast}' in new_dir ) and ( 'baseUrl' in message ): u = sarracenia.baseUrlParse( message['baseUrl'] ) new_dir = new_dir.replace('${baseUrlPathLast}', os.path.basename(u.path), 1 ) while '${PBD}' in new_dir and self.post_baseDir != None: new_dir = new_dir.replace('${PBD}', self.post_baseDir, 1) while '${DR}' in new_dir and self.documentRoot != None: logger.warning( "DR = documentRoot should be replaced by BD for base_dir") new_dir = new_dir.replace('${DR}', self.documentRoot, 1) while '${PDR}' in new_dir and self.post_baseDir != None: logger.warning( "PDR = post_documentRoot should be replaced by PBD for post_baseDir" ) new_dir = new_dir.replace('${PDR}', self.post_baseDir, 1) #whenStamp = time.gmtime( time.time()+self.varTimeOffset ) whenStamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time.time()+self.varTimeOffset ) while '${YYYYMMDD}' in new_dir: YYYYMMDD = whenStamp.strftime("%Y%m%d") new_dir = new_dir.replace('${YYYYMMDD}', YYYYMMDD) while '${SOURCE}' in new_dir: new_dir = new_dir.replace('${SOURCE}', message['source']) while '${DD}' in new_dir: DD = whenStamp.strftime("%d") new_dir = new_dir.replace('${DD}', DD) while '${HH}' in new_dir: HH = whenStamp.strftime("%H") new_dir = new_dir.replace('${HH}', HH) while '${YYYY}' in new_dir: YYYY = whenStamp.strftime("%Y") new_dir = new_dir.replace('${YYYY}', YYYY) while '${MM}' in new_dir: MM = whenStamp.strftime("%m") new_dir = new_dir.replace('${MM}', MM) while '${JJJ}' in new_dir: JJJ = whenStamp.strftime("%j") new_dir = new_dir.replace('${JJJ}', JJJ) # strftime compatible patterns. fragments = new_dir.split( '${%' ) if len(fragments) > 1: fragment_list=[fragments[0]] for fragment in fragments[1:]: close_brace = fragment.find('}') frag_start=0 seconds=self.varTimeOffset # only support %o time offsets at the beginning of the string. if fragment[0] in [ '+', '-', 'o' ]: end_of_offset=fragment.find('%') if fragment[0] == 'o': s= 2 if fragment[1] in [ '-','+' ] else 1 else: s= 1 if fragment[0] in [ '-','+' ] else 0 seconds = durationToSeconds(fragment[s:end_of_offset]) frag_start=end_of_offset+1 if '-' in fragment[0:2]: seconds = -1 * seconds whenStamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time.time()+seconds ) if close_brace > 0: time_str=whenStamp.strftime( "%"+fragment[frag_start:close_brace] ) fragment_list.append(time_str) fragment_list.append(fragment[close_brace+1:]) else: fragment_list.append(fragment) new_dir=''.join(fragment_list) # Parsing cdir to subtract time from it in the following formats # time unit can be: sec/mins/hours/days/weeks # ${YYYY-[number][time_unit]} offset_check = r'\$\{YYYY-(\d+)(\D)\}', cdir) if offset_check: f"offset 0: {,2)}" ) seconds = durationToSeconds(''.join(, 2)), 's') epoch = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) - seconds YYYY1D = time.strftime("%Y", time.localtime(epoch)) new_dir = re.sub( r'\$\{YYYY-\d+\D\}', YYYY1D, new_dir) # ${MM-[number][time_unit]} offset_check = r'\$\{MM-(\d+)(\D)\}', cdir) if offset_check: f"offset 1: {,2)}" ) seconds = durationToSeconds(''.join(, 2)), 's') epoch = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) - seconds MM1D = time.strftime("%m", time.localtime(epoch)) new_dir = re.sub( r'\$\{MM-\d+\D\}', MM1D, new_dir) # ${JJJ-[number][time_unit]} offset_check ='\$\{JJJ-(\d+)(\D)\}', cdir) if offset_check: f"offset 2: {,2)}" ) seconds = durationToSeconds(''.join(, 2)), 's') epoch = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) - seconds JJJ1D = time.strftime("%j", time.localtime(epoch)) new_dir = re.sub( r'\$\{JJJ-\d+\D\}', JJJ1D, new_dir) # ${YYYYMMDD-[number][time_unit]} offset_check ='\$\{YYYYMMDD-(\d+)(\D)\}', cdir) if offset_check: f"offset 3: {,2)}" ) seconds = durationToSeconds(''.join(, 2)), 's') epoch = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) - seconds YYYYMMDD = time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime(epoch)) f"seconds: {seconds} YYYYMMDD {YYYYMMDD}" ) new_dir = re.sub( r'\$\{YYYYMMDD-\d+\D\}', YYYYMMDD, new_dir) new_dir = self._varsub(new_dir) # substitute positional fields from the regex accept (0,1,2,3...) if message and '_matches' in message and len(new_dir.split( '${' )) > 1: fragment_list=[] for fragment in new_dir.split( '${' ): close_brace = fragment.find('}') frag_start=0 if close_brace < 0 : fragment_list.append(fragment) continue match_field=fragment[0:close_brace] matches= r'^[0-9]+$', match_field) # non-numeric thing... variable or something. if not matches: fragment_list.append('${' + fragment) continue field=int(match_field) if self.sundew_compat_regex_first_match_is_zero: field +=1 if len(message['_matches'].groups()) >= field: fragment_list.append(message['_matches'].group(field)) fragment_list.append(fragment[close_brace+1:]) else: logger.error( f"only {len(message['_matches'].groups())} groups in regex, group number too high: ${{{fragment}" ) fragment_list.append('${' +fragment) new_dir=''.join(fragment_list) #del message['_matches'] #message['_deleteOnPost'] -= set(['_matches']) return new_dir
""" 2020/05/26 PAS... FIXME: end of sheer terror. the parts below used be part of the sheer terror... but have been tamed a bit. """
[docs] class addBinding(argparse.Action): """ called by argparse to deal with queue bindings. """
[docs] def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string): if values == 'None': namespace.bindings = [] namespace._resolve_exchange() if not hasattr(namespace, 'broker'): raise Exception('broker needed before subtopic') return if not hasattr(namespace, 'exchange'): raise Exception('exchange needed before subtopic') return if not hasattr(namespace, 'topicPrefix'): raise Exception('topicPrefix needed before subtopic') return if type(namespace.topicPrefix) is str: if[0:3] == 'amq': topicPrefix = namespace.topicPrefix.split('.') else: topicPrefix = namespace.topicPrefix.split('/') namespace.bindings.append( (, topicPrefix, values))
[docs] def parse_args(self, isPost=False): """ user information: accept a configguration, apply argParse library to augment the given configuration with command line settings. the post component has a different calling convention than others, so use that flag if called from post. development notes: Use argparse.parser to modify defaults. FIXME, many FIXME notes below. this is a currently unusable placeholder. have not figured this out yet. many issues. FIXME #1: parseArgs often sets the value of the variable, regardless of it's presence (normally a good thing.) ( if you have 'store_true' then default needed, for broker, just a string, it ignores if not present.) This has the effect of overriding settings in the file parsed before the arguments. Therefore: often supply defaults... but... sigh... but there is another consideration stopping me from supplying defaults, wish I remembered what it was. I think it is: FIXME #2: arguments are parsed twice: once to get basic stuff (loglevel, component, action) and if the parsing fails there, the usage will print the wrong defaults... """ parser=argparse.ArgumentParser( \ description='version: %s\nSarracenia flexible tree copy ( ) ' % sarracenia.__version__ ,\ formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter ) if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and sys.version_info[1] < 8: parser.register('action', 'extend', ExtendAction) parser.add_argument('--acceptUnmatched', default=self.acceptUnmatched, type=bool, nargs='?', help='default selection, if nothing matches') parser.add_argument( '--action', '-a', nargs='?', choices=Config.actions, help='action to take on the specified configurations') parser.add_argument('--admin', help='amqp://user@host of peer to manage') parser.add_argument( '--attempts', type=int, nargs='?', help='how many times to try before queuing for retry') parser.add_argument( '--base_dir', '-bd', nargs='?', help="path to root of tree for relPaths in messages.") parser.add_argument('--batch', type=int, nargs='?', help='how many transfers per each connection') parser.add_argument( '--blocksize', type=int, nargs='?', help= 'size to partition files. 0-guess, 1-never, any other number: that size' ) """ FIXME: Most of this is gobblygook place holder stuff, by copying from wmo-mesh example. Don't really need this to work right now, so just leaving it around as-is. Challenges: -- sizing units, K, M, G, (should have humanfriendly based parsing.) -- time units s,h,m,d -- what to do with verbs. -- accept/reject whole mess requires extension deriving a class from argparse.Action. """ parser.add_argument('--broker', nargs='?', help='amqp://user:pw@host of peer to subscribe to') parser.add_argument('--config', '-c', nargs='?', help=' specifical configuration to select ') parser.add_argument('--dangerWillRobinson', type=int, default=0, help='Confirm you want to do something dangerous') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', default=self.debug, help='print debugging output (very verbose)') parser.add_argument('--dry_run', '--simulate', '--simulation', action='store_true', default=self.dry_run, help='simulation mode (perform no file transfers, just print what would happen)') parser.add_argument('--exchange', nargs='?',, help='root of the topic tree to subscribe to') parser.add_argument('--full', action='store_true', default=self.displayFull, help='fuller, more verbose display') """ FIXME: header option not implemented in argparsing: should add to the fixed_header dictionary. """ """ FIXME: in previous parser, exchange is a modifier for bindings, can have several different values for different subtopic bindings. as currently coded, just a single value that over-writes previous setting, so only binding to a single exchange is possible. """ parser.add_argument('--inline', dest='inline', default=self.inline, action='store_true', help='include file data in the message') parser.add_argument( '--inlineEncoding', choices=['text', 'binary', 'guess'], default=self.inlineEncoding, help='encode payload in base64 (for binary) or text (utf-8)') parser.add_argument('--inlineByteMax', type=int, default=self.inlineByteMax, help='maximum message size to inline') parser.add_argument( '--instances', type=int, help='number of processes to run per configuration') parser.add_argument('--identity_method', '--identity', '-s', '--sum', nargs='?', default=self.identity_method, help='choose a different checksumming method for the files posted') if hasattr(self, 'bindings'): parser.set_defaults(bindings=self.bindings) parser.add_argument( '--logLevel', choices=[ 'notset', 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical' ], help='encode payload in base64 (for binary) or text (utf-8)') parser.add_argument('--logReject', action='store_true', default=self.logReject, help='print a log message explaining why each file is rejected') parser.add_argument('--logStdout', action='store_true', default=False, help='disable logging, everything to standard output/error') parser.add_argument('--no', type=int, help='instance number of this process') parser.add_argument('--queueName', nargs='?', help='name of AMQP consumer queue to create') parser.add_argument('--post_broker', nargs='?', help='broker to post downloaded files to') #parser.add_argument('--post_baseUrl', help='base url of the files announced') parser.add_argument('--post_exchange', nargs='?', help='root of the topic tree to announce') parser.add_argument( '--post_exchangeSplit', type=int, nargs='?', help='split output into different exchanges 00,01,...') parser.add_argument( '--post_topicPrefix', nargs='?', help= 'allows simultaneous use of multiple versions and types of messages' ) parser.add_argument('--retry_refilter', action='store_true', default=self.retry_refilter, help='repeat message processing when retrying transfers (default just resends as previous attempt.)') #FIXME: select/accept/reject in parser not implemented. parser.add_argument( '--select', nargs=1, action='append', help='client-side filtering: accept/reject <regexp>') parser.add_argument( '--subtopic', nargs=1, action=Config.addBinding, help= 'server-side filtering: MQTT subtopic, wilcards # to match rest, + to match one topic' ) parser.add_argument( '--topicPrefix', nargs='?', default=self.topicPrefix, help= 'allows simultaneous use of multiple versions and types of messages' ) parser.add_argument('--users', default=False, action='store_true', help='only for declare... declare users?') parser.add_argument( '--version', '-v', action='version', version='%s' % sarracenia.__version__, help= 'server-side filtering: MQTT subtopic, wilcards # to match rest, + to match one topic' ) if isPost: parser.add_argument('--path', '-p', action='append', nargs='?', help='path to post or watch') parser.add_argument('path', nargs='*', action='extend', help='files to post') else: parser.add_argument( 'action', nargs='?', choices=Config.actions, help='action to take on the specified configurations') parser.add_argument('configurations', nargs='*', help='configurations to operate on') args = parser.parse_args() if hasattr(args, 'help'): args.print_usage() if hasattr(args, 'config') and (args.config is not None): args.configurations = [args.config] if hasattr(args,'full'): self.displayFull = args.full delattr(args,'full') self.merge(args)
def default_config(): cfg = Config() cfg.currentDir = None cfg.override(default_options) cfg.override(sarracenia.moth.default_options) if features['amqp']['present']: cfg.override(sarracenia.moth.amqp.default_options) cfg.override(sarracenia.flow.default_options) for g in ["admin.conf", "default.conf"]: if os.path.exists(get_user_config_dir() + os.sep + g): cfg.parse_file(get_user_config_dir() + os.sep + g) return cfg
[docs] def no_file_config(): """ initialize a config that will not use Sarracenia configuration files at all. meant for use by people writing independent programs to start up instances with python API calls. """ cfg = Config() cfg.currentDir = None cfg.override(default_options) cfg.override(sarracenia.moth.default_options) if features['amqp']['present']: cfg.override(sarracenia.moth.amqp.default_options) cfg.override(sarracenia.flow.default_options) cfg.cfg_run_dir = '.' cfg.retry_path = '.' return cfg
[docs] def one_config(component, config, action, isPost=False): """ single call return a fully parsed single configuration for a single component to run. read in admin.conf and default.conf apply component default overrides ( maps to: component/check ?) read in component/config.conf parse arguments from command line. return config instance item. appdir_stuff can be to override file locations for testing during development. """ default_cfg = default_config() #default_cfg.override( { 'component':component, 'directory': os.getcwd(), 'acceptUnmatched':True, 'no':0 } ) default_cfg.override({ 'component': component, 'config': config, 'acceptUnmatched': True, 'no': 0 }) cfg = copy.deepcopy(default_cfg) cfg.applyComponentDefaults( component ) store_pwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(get_user_config_dir()) os.chdir(component) if config[-5:] != '.conf': fname = os.path.expanduser(config + '.conf') else: fname = os.path.expanduser(config) if os.path.exists(fname): cfg.parse_file(fname,component) else: logger.error('config %s not found' % fname ) return None os.chdir(store_pwd) cfg.parse_args(isPost) #logger.error( 'after args' ) #print( 'after args' ) #cfg.dump() if component in ['poll' ]: if not hasattr(cfg,'broker') or ( is None): = cfg.post_broker cfg.action=action cfg.finalize(component, config) if component in ['post', 'watch']: cfg.postpath = list( map( os.path.expanduser, cfg.configurations[1:])) if hasattr(cfg, 'path') and (cfg is not None): if type(cfg.path) is list: cfg.postpath.extend(cfg.path) else: cfg.postpath.append(cfg.path) logger.debug('path is : %s' % cfg.path) logger.debug('postpath is : %s' % cfg.postpath) #pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(depth=6) #pp.pprint(cfg) return cfg
def cfglogs(cfg_preparse, component, config, logLevel, child_inst): if cfg_preparse.logRotateInterval < 24*24*60: logRotateInterval=int(cfg_preparse.logRotateInterval) lr_when='s' else: logRotateInterval = int(cfg_preparse.logRotateInterval/(24*24*60)) lr_when='midnight' # init logs here. need to know instance number and configuration and component before here. if cfg_preparse.action == 'start' and not cfg_preparse.logStdout: if cfg_preparse.statehost: hostdir = cfg_preparse.hostdir else: hostdir = None metricsfilename = get_metrics_filename( hostdir, component, config, child_inst) dir_not_there = not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(metricsfilename)) while dir_not_there: try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(metricsfilename), exist_ok=True) dir_not_there = False except FileExistsError: dir_not_there = False except Exception as ex: logging.error( "makedirs {} failed err={}".format(os.path.dirname(metricsfilename),ex)) logging.debug("Exception details:", exc_info=True) time.sleep(0.1) cfg_preparse.metricsFilename = metricsfilename logfilename = get_log_filename( hostdir, component, config, child_inst) dir_not_there = not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(logfilename)) while dir_not_there: try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(logfilename), exist_ok=True) dir_not_there = False except FileExistsError: dir_not_there = False except Exception as ex: logging.error( "makedirs {} failed err={}".format(os.path.dirname(logfilename),ex)) logging.debug("Exception details:", exc_info=True) time.sleep(0.1) log_format = '%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(name)s %(funcName)s %(message)s' if logging.getLogger().hasHandlers(): for h in logging.getLogger().handlers: h.close() logging.getLogger().removeHandler(h) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logLevel.upper()) handler = sarracenia.instance.RedirectedTimedRotatingFileHandler( logfilename, when=lr_when, interval=logRotateInterval, backupCount=cfg_preparse.logRotateCount) handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(log_format)) logger.addHandler(handler) if hasattr(cfg_preparse, 'permLog'): os.chmod(logfilename, cfg_preparse.permLog) # FIXME: portable redirection... if sys.platform != 'win32': os.dup2(, 1) os.dup2(, 2) else: try: logger.setLevel(logLevel) except Exception: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # add directory to python front of search path for plugins. plugin_dir = get_user_config_dir() + os.sep + "plugins" if os.path.isdir(plugin_dir) and not plugin_dir in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, plugin_dir)