Using Plugins to Grab Hydrometric Data (v2)

Several different environmental data websites use APIs to communicate data. In order to advertise the availability of new files and integrate them seamlessly into the Sarracenia stack, a few plugins are needed to extend the polling functionality.

Polling Protocols Natively Supported

Out of the box, Sarracenia supports polling of HTTP/HTTPS and SFTP/FTP sources where the filename gets appended to the end of the base URL. For example, if you’re trying to access the water level data of Ghost Lake Reservoir near Cochrane in Alberta, which can be accessed by navigating to, the base URL in this case would be considered the part, and the filename the L_HG_05BE005_table.json part. Since the base URL doesn’t contain a nice directory with all the JSON files, if you wanted to check if new water level data has been added at the locator above, since it’s a JSON file, you could check the last-modified header to see if it has been modified since you last polled. From there, you would need to set the new_baseurl to the first part, and the new_file set to the second, and an sr_subscribe instance would know how to assemble them to locate the file and download it.

Extending Polling Protocols

If the data source doesn’t abide to this convention (see NOAA CO-OPS API and USGS Instantaneous Values Web Service for examples of two data sources that don’t), a module registered_as can be included at the bottom of a plugin file to define the list of protocols being extended or implemented:

def registered_as(self):
        return ['http','https']

It would then overload the method of transfer and use the one as described in the plugin.

Examples of Integrating APIs into Plugins


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Tides and Currents Department releases their CO-OPS station observations and predictions data through a GET RESTful web service, available at the NOAA Tides and Currents website. For example, if you want to access the water temperature data from the last hour in Honolulu, you can navigate to A new observation gets recorded every six minutes, so if you wanted to advertise solely new data through Sarracenia, you would configure an sr_poll instance to connect to the API, set a one hour scheduled_interval , and build it a GET request to announce every time it woke up (this operates under the potentially misguided assumption that the data source is maintaining their end of the bargain). To download this shiny new file, you would connect an sr_subscribe to the same exchange it got announced on, and it would retrieve the URL, which a do_download plugin could then take and download. An example polling plugin which grabs all water temperature and water level data from the last hour, from all CO-OPS stations, and publishes them is included under plugins as A corresponding do_download plugin for a sarra instance to download this file is included as . Example configurations for both sr_poll and sr_subscribe are included under examples, named pollnoaa.conf and subnoaa.conf. To run, add both plugins and configurations using the add action, edit the proper variables in the config (the flowbroker, sendTo among others. If running off a local RabbitMQ server, some of the documentation under doc/Dev.rst on how to set up the server might be useful). If everything was configured correctly, the output should look something like this:

[aspymap:~]$ sr_poll foreground pollnoaa.conf
2018-09-26 15:26:57,704 [INFO] sr_poll pollnoaa startup
2018-09-26 15:26:57,704 [INFO] log settings start for sr_poll (version: 2.18.07b3):
2018-09-26 15:26:57,704 [INFO]  inflight=unspecified events=create|delete|link|modify use_pika=False
2018-09-26 15:26:57,704 [INFO]  suppress_duplicates=False retry_mode=True retry_ttl=Nonems
2018-09-26 15:26:57,704 [INFO]  expire=300000ms reset=False message_ttl=None prefetch=25 accept_unmatch=False delete=False
2018-09-26 15:26:57,705 [INFO]  heartbeat=300 default_mode=400 default_mode_dir=775 default_mode_log=600 discard=False durable=True
2018-09-26 15:26:57,705 [INFO]  preserve_mode=True preserve_time=True realpathPost=False base_dir=None follow_symlinks=False
2018-09-26 15:26:57,705 [INFO]  mirror=False flatten=/ realpathPost=False strip=0 base_dir=None report=True
2018-09-26 15:26:57,705 [INFO]  post_base_dir=None post_base_url={0:}&product={1:}&units=metric&time_zone=gmt&application=web_services&format=csv/ sum=z,d blocksize=209715200
2018-09-26 15:26:57,705 [INFO]  Plugins configured:
2018-09-26 15:26:57,705 [INFO]          on_line: Line_Mode
2018-09-26 15:26:57,705 [INFO]          on_html_page: Html_parser
2018-09-26 15:26:57,705 [INFO]          do_poll: NOAAPoller
2018-09-26 15:26:57,705 [INFO]          on_message:
2018-09-26 15:26:57,705 [INFO]          on_part:
2018-09-26 15:26:57,705 [INFO]          on_file: File_Log
2018-09-26 15:26:57,705 [INFO]          on_post: Post_Log
2018-09-26 15:26:57,705 [INFO]          on_heartbeat: Hb_Log Hb_Memory Hb_Pulse
2018-09-26 15:26:57,705 [INFO]          on_report:
2018-09-26 15:26:57,705 [INFO]          on_start:
2018-09-26 15:26:57,706 [INFO]          on_stop:
2018-09-26 15:26:57,706 [INFO] log_settings end.
2018-09-26 15:26:57,709 [INFO] Output AMQP broker(localhost) user(tsource) vhost(/)
2018-09-26 15:26:57,710 [INFO] Output AMQP exchange(xs_tsource)
2018-09-26 15:26:57,710 [INFO] declaring exchange xs_tsource (tsource@localhost)
2018-09-26 15:26:58,403 [INFO] poll_noaa file posted:
2018-09-26 15:26:58,403 [INFO] post_log notice=20180926192658.403634 CO-OPS__1611400__wt.csv headers={'source': 'noaa', 'to_clusters': 'ALL', 'sum': 'z,d', 'from_cluster': 'localhost'}
2018-09-26 15:26:58,554 [INFO] poll_noaa file posted:
2018-09-26 15:26:58,554 [INFO] post_log notice=20180926192658.554364 CO-OPS__1611400__wl.csv headers={'source': 'noaa', 'to_clusters': 'ALL', 'sum': 'z,d', 'from_cluster': 'localhost'}
2018-09-26 15:26:58,691 [INFO] poll_noaa file posted:
2018-09-26 15:26:58,691 [INFO] post_log notice=20180926192658.691466 CO-OPS__1612340__wt.csv headers={'source': 'noaa', 'to_clusters': 'ALL', 'sum': 'z,d', 'from_cluster': 'localhost'}
2018-09-26 15:26:58,833 [INFO] poll_noaa file posted:
2018-09-26 15:26:58,834 [INFO] post_log notice=20180926192658.833992 CO-OPS__1612340__wl.csv headers={'source': 'noaa', 'to_clusters': 'ALL', 'sum': 'z,d', 'from_cluster': 'localhost'}
^C2018-09-26 15:26:58,965 [INFO] signal stop (SIGINT)
2018-09-26 15:26:58,965 [INFO] sr_poll stop

for the polling and:

[aspymap:~]$ sr_subscribe foreground subnoaa.conf
2018-09-26 15:26:53,473 [INFO] sr_subscribe subnoaa start
2018-09-26 15:26:53,473 [INFO] log settings start for sr_subscribe (version: 2.18.07b3):
2018-09-26 15:26:53,473 [INFO]  inflight=.tmp events=create|delete|link|modify use_pika=False
2018-09-26 15:26:53,473 [INFO]  suppress_duplicates=False retry_mode=True retry_ttl=300000ms
2018-09-26 15:26:53,473 [INFO]  expire=300000ms reset=False message_ttl=None prefetch=25 accept_unmatch=False delete=False
2018-09-26 15:26:53,473 [INFO]  heartbeat=300 default_mode=000 default_mode_dir=775 default_mode_log=600 discard=False durable=True
2018-09-26 15:26:53,473 [INFO]  preserve_mode=True preserve_time=True realpathPost=False base_dir=None follow_symlinks=False
2018-09-26 15:26:53,473 [INFO]  mirror=False flatten=/ realpathPost=False strip=0 base_dir=None report=False
2018-09-26 15:26:53,473 [INFO]  Plugins configured:
2018-09-26 15:26:53,473 [INFO]          do_download: BaseURLDownloader
2018-09-26 15:26:53,473 [INFO]          do_get     :
2018-09-26 15:26:53,473 [INFO]          on_message:
2018-09-26 15:26:53,474 [INFO]          on_part:
2018-09-26 15:26:53,474 [INFO]          on_file: File_Log
2018-09-26 15:26:53,474 [INFO]          on_post: Post_Log
2018-09-26 15:26:53,474 [INFO]          on_heartbeat: Hb_Log Hb_Memory Hb_Pulse RETRY
2018-09-26 15:26:53,474 [INFO]          on_report:
2018-09-26 15:26:53,474 [INFO]          on_start:
2018-09-26 15:26:53,474 [INFO]          on_stop:
2018-09-26 15:26:53,474 [INFO] log_settings end.
2018-09-26 15:26:53,474 [INFO] sr_subscribe run
2018-09-26 15:26:53,474 [INFO] AMQP  broker(localhost) user(tsource) vhost(/)
2018-09-26 15:26:53,478 [INFO] Binding queue q_tsource.sr_subscribe.subnoaa.90449861.55888967 with key from exchange xs_tsource on broker amqp://tsource@localhost/
2018-09-26 15:26:53,480 [INFO] reading from to tsource@localhost, exchange: xs_tsource
2018-09-26 15:26:53,480 [INFO] report suppressed
2018-09-26 15:26:53,480 [INFO] sr_retry on_heartbeat
2018-09-26 15:26:53,486 [INFO] No retry in list
2018-09-26 15:26:53,488 [INFO] sr_retry on_heartbeat elapse 0.007632
2018-09-26 15:26:58,751 [INFO] download_noaa: file noaa_20180926_1926_1611400_TP.csv
2018-09-26 15:26:58,751 [INFO] file_log downloaded to: /home/ib/dads/map/hydro_examples_sarra/fetch/noaa//CO-OPS__1611400__wt.csv
2018-09-26 15:26:58,888 [INFO] download_noaa: file noaa_20180926_1926_1611400_WL.csv
2018-09-26 15:26:58,889 [INFO] file_log downloaded to: /home/ib/dads/map/hydro_examples_sarra/fetch/noaa//CO-OPS__1611400__wl.csv
2018-09-26 15:26:59,026 [INFO] download_noaa: file noaa_20180926_1926_1612340_TP.csv
2018-09-26 15:26:59,027 [INFO] file_log downloaded to: /home/ib/dads/map/hydro_examples_sarra/fetch/noaa//CO-OPS__1612340__wt.csv
2018-09-26 15:26:59,170 [INFO] download_noaa: file noaa_20180926_1926_1612340_WL.csv
2018-09-26 15:26:59,171 [INFO] file_log downloaded to: /home/ib/dads/map/hydro_examples_sarra/fetch/noaa//CO-OPS__1612340__wl.csv
^C2018-09-26 15:27:00,597 [INFO] signal stop (SIGINT)
2018-09-26 15:27:00,597 [INFO] sr_subscribe stop

for the downloading.

SHC SOAP Web Service

A SOAP web service (Simple Object Access Protocol) uses an XML-based messaging system to supply requested data over a network. The client can specify parameters for a supported operation (for example a search) on the web service, denoted with a wdsl file extension, and the server will return an XML-formatted SOAP response. The Service Hydrographique du Canada (SHC) uses this web service as an API to get hydrometric data depending on the parameters sent. It only supports one operation, search, which accepts the following parameters: dataName, latitudeMin, latitudeMax, longitudeMin, longitudeMax, depthMin, depthMax, dateMin, dateMax, start, end, sizeMax, metadata, metadataSelection, order. For example, a search will return all the water level data available from Acadia Cove in Nunavut on September 1st, 2018 if your search contains the following parameters: ‘wl’, 40.0, 85.0, -145.0, -50.0, 0.0, 0.0, ‘2018-09-01 00:00:00’, ‘2018-09-01 23:59:59’, 1, 1000, ‘true’, ‘station_id=4170, ‘asc’. The response can then be converted into a file and dumped, which can be advertised, or the parameters can be advertised themselves in the report notice, which a sarra do_download plugin could then decipher and process the data into a file user-side. In order to only advertise new data from SHC, a polling instance could be configured to sleep every 30 minutes, and a do_poll plugin could set the start-end range to the last half hour before forming the request. Each request is returned with a status message confirming if it was a valid function call. The plugin could then check the status message is ok before posting the message advertising new data to the exchange. A do_download plugin takes these parameters passed in the message, forms a SOAP query with them, and extracts the data/saves it to a file. Examples of plugins that do both of these steps can be found under plugins, named and Example configurations for running both are included under examples, named pollsoapshc.conf and subsoapshc.conf.

USGS Instantaneous Values Web Service

The United States Geological Survey publishes their water data through their Instantaneous Values RESTful Web Service, which uses HTTP GET requests to filter their data. It returns the data in XML files once requested, and can support more than one station ID argument at a time (bulk data download). More info on the service can be found at the water services website. They have a long list of parameters to specify based on the type of water data you would like to retrieve as well, which is passed through the parameterCd argument. For example, if you wanted to fetch water discharge, level, and temperature data from the last three hours from North Fork Vermilion River near Bismarck, IL, you would use the following URL:,2.0&indent=on&site=03338780&period=PT3H&parameterCd=00060,00065,00011. A list of parameter codes to use to tailor your results can be found here. The plugins for any GET web service can be generalized for use, so the plugins used for the NOAA CO-OPS API can be reused in this context as well. By default, the station IDs to pass are different, as well as the method of passing them, so the plugin code that determines which station IDs to use differs, but the method conceptually is still the same. You would pass a generalized version of the URL in as the sendTo in the config, e.g.,2.0&indent=on&site={0}&period=PT3H&parameterCd=00060,00065,00011 and in the plugin you would replace the ‘{0}’ (Python makes this easy with string formatting) with the sites you’re interested in, and if any other parameters need to be varied they can be replaced in a similar way. If a station site ID file wasn’t passed as a plugin config option, then the plugin defaults to grabbing all the registered site IDs from the USGS website. The IV Web Service supports queries with multiple site IDs specified (comma-separated). If the plugin option poll_usgs_nb_stn was specified to the chunk size in the config, it’ll take groups of stations’ data based on the number passed (this reduces web requests and speeds up the data collection if collecting in bulk).

To run this example, the configs and plugins can be found under plugins ( and and examples (pollusgs.conf and subusgs.conf).

Use Case

The hydrometric plugins were developed for the Environment Canada canhys use case, where files containing station metadata would be used as input to gather the hydrometric data. Each plugin also works by generating all valid station IDs from the water authority itself and plugging those inputs in. This alternative option can be toggled by omitting the plugin config variable that would otherwise specify the station metadata file. The downloader plugins also rename the file according to the specific convention of this use case.

Most of these sources have disclaimers that this data is not quality assured, but it is gathered in soft realtime (advertised seconds/minutes from when it was recorded).