Sundew sender migration to sarracenia (PXATX)

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MetPx Sarracenia Suite


This document was written right after my presentation of August 8th. It will basically be a summary of what was said for the sundew sender migration part of it.

The scripts used in the presentation use routing tables, sender configuration, logs and a dump of sarra database of products.

I used a similar setup with similar tools on my desktop. All of this, is to be taken as a suggestion or a startup. I have heavily used some of it during the conversion of sundew pull to sarra poll-sarra pairs.

Most if the time for pxatx senders, I would only use It converts sundew-sender to a sarra-sender in a dummy fashion… no extra. From the converted config, I would simply add the migrated polled products I had just migrated and drop the rest of the sundew sender config.

The sender tools where an entire day of products is presented as messages to the sarra sender migrated I used 3 times… I simply coded that while I tried to migrate sundew-sender as part of my migration project. As porting sundew-sender to sarra showed to be a much greater task than I expected, I simply drop the idea. And did not use these tools anymore.

Peter wanted me to present my work. The goal is to engage his troup in the project of migrating the sundew-sender to sarra.

All of these facts must be considered when using the presented tools. I am not saying THEY ARE the tools to use in order to properly conduct I am not saying the are reliable enough to be used blindly. For myself, they would certainly be my starting point, should I be part of that project.

So you the reader are part of that project now I guess if you read this. I propose the tools as a start for your own migration. Use them as tips, basis, ideas, or tools… make of them what you want… and good luck for your journey in this big sundew-sender conversion project.


Historically, after having poke the several clusters (sundew and sarra) with tools on data-lb-ops1 (under users px and sarra)… it was so annoying that I decided one day to get all the information available on all the clusters and work from my desktop. I am convinced that it strikes you as simpler than doing “srl grep” or “pxl grep” in all clusters. So my tools would work on a local copy of the needed files.

In order to use the scripts provided as is, as a start, you would need to install the same setup as I was using when developping/using them. Of course, this is not mandatory, and should you prefer other setups, you can do so and modify the scripts accordingly… or write you own…

So my setup was:

mkdir ~/convert

# and in this directory you place

├── tools
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── plugins
│   ├──
│   └──
├── config
│   │
│   ├── pxatx
│   │   └── etc
│   │       ├── rx
│   │       ├── fx
│   │       ├── scripts
│   │       ├── trx
│   │       ├── tx
│   │       └── ...
│   │
│   ├── sundew
│   │   └── etc
│   │       ├── rx
│   │       ├── fx
│   │       ├── scripts
│   │       ├── trx
│   │       ├── tx
│   │       └── ...
│   │
│   └── sarra
│           ├── cpost
│           ├── plugins
│           ├── poll
│           ├── post
│           ├── sarra
│           ├── sender
│           ├── shovel
│           └── watch
├── log
│   │
│   ├── pxatx
│   │   └── ...
│   │
│   ├── sr_pxatx
│   │   └── ...
│   │
│   ├── ddsr (sarra)
│   │   ├── px2-ops
│   │   ├── px3-ops
│   │   ├── px4-ops
│   │   ├── px5-ops
│   │   ├── px6-ops
│   │   ├── px7-ops
│   │   └── px8-ops
│   │
│   └── sundew
│       ├── px2-ops
│       ├── px3-ops
│       ├── px4-ops
│       ├── px5-ops
│       ├── px6-ops
│       ├── px7-ops
│       └── px8-ops
└── data
    └── ddsr.20190804  (sarra /apps/sarra/public_data/20190804 *)

The files found in the tools directory can be taken from the sarracenia depot on github under ~/sarracania/tools. (If not in the master they would be found in branch issue199)

For files found in the plugins directory directory can be taken from the sarracenia depot on github under ~/sarracania/sarra/plugins. (If not in the master they would be found in branch issue199)

The config directory is just a straight copy of all the configs for each of the clusters… and here sr_pxatx means the sarra portion of pxatx.

For the logs and the data, one would think to have a whole day and so I would always aim at getting all of “yesterday”.

So one can go on each node and scp “yesterday’s log” where the setup is installed under the proper representing directory.

The creation of data file (ddsr.20190804) was done as follow:

ssh sarra@data-lb-ops1 '. ./.bash_profile; cd ~/master/saa; srl "cd /apps/sarra/public_data; find 20190804 -type f"' >> ddsr.20190804

On the server where you would to the migration, you need sarracenia of course. The fact that px1-ops was off the sarra cluster was an opportunity since it provides the same environment as the targetted cluster. If one such node is not available when you a migration to a cluster (in fact I would be tempted to say any migration of any kinds) … I recommand you to have such a node available.


I cannot say for sure that all my tools get everything straight. Should you find better ways or modifications to do, dont hesitate.

For now, should you use them out of the box, here is how I would proceed with the them.

Under ~/convert, create your own working/migrating directory… ex.:


Select one config that you would like to start working with. (Perhaps to start, the senders with the smallest number of delivery would be a good start… dont do them all, keep some for the other team member to sharp their teeth too).

To get ready, make sure that the plugins under ~/convert/plugins are sarra-wise available:

cp ~/convert/plugins/* ~/.config/sarra/plugins

And perhaps adjust the path to be able to call the tools easily:

export PATH=.~/convert/tools:$PATH

PAS 2023/02/08 - PAS I could not locate these scripts. hmm…

Ok now, convert that sender… Here I suppose as in the presentation that it is accessdepot-iml.conf for simplicity (or remainder):

# convert the sender place infos in directory ACCESSDEPOT_IML
# The script will show an estimated of time to finish
# that can be hours depending on the routing tables and sender configs accessdepot-iml

# access the resulting directory and have a look at the info
# gathered by the script

vi INFO_accessdepot-iml

# make sure the credential were extracted, ready for sarra
ls credentials
cat credentials

# go check/edit/modify the configs and includes
cd sender
vi accessdepot-iml.conf

# You think your sarra config/includes for this sender is ok
# give it a try, run a whole day
# *** CATCH in script
# *** it appends to your sender config lines like
# *** msg_file /local/home/sarra/convert/data/ddsr.20190804

# check it out if this sender is done...
# It will stop when all products of the data file are processed

tail -f ~/.cache/sarra/log/sr_accessdepot-iml_01.log

# When done compare the logs of the sundew sender
# the sender's log have to be of the same date as the data product file accessdepot-iml

# IF the compare says the exact same number of products
# and there are no product to be rejected or missing
# the sender is ready.

# If not... (and that is probably in most cases)
# If there are no missing product... only some to be
# rejected, would try restricting your accept/reject
# and  you would loop doing the following until resolution
# 1- Fix the sender again
# 2- Run through a whole day again
# 3- check when finished
# 4- compare
# a looping sequence like this :

vi sender/accessdepot-iml.conf sender/accessdepot-iml.conf
tail -f ~/.cache/sarra/log/sr_sender_accessdepot-iml_01.log accessdepot-iml

# missing products are more problematic
# needs further investigation and perhaps
# the addition of processes, or products to sarra

This was done, as is, in today’s presentation. I cannot say it enough… as I mentionned, I have not done many of these sundew senders conversions by gaving it a day of products… The few I did were enough to leave sundew-senders migration alone and focus on pxatx-sundew. I would certainly start from there should I be you. But again, this is a personal choice… Your ideas and methods being as good as mine.

When using tools, one can trigger them on say 5 sender configs and have more work ahead. The experience gathered during these 5 migrations can be ported into the tools hoping to get better results for the next 5 and so on. So always have 5 in the oven. It is important to run batches since some may take hours to be processed.

If no change is done to the sarra db layout and products, the files in the setup are accurate enought to pursue the migration.

On the opposite, changes to the sarra db layout and product additions, removals or whatever changes, requieres the files “sarra db for yesterday” and “sundew logs for yesterday” to be updated… Or else, the results from the tools will not represent the current state of things.

Have fun :-)