Documentation Standards
Folder Structure
Before starting work with documentation read the entire divo documentation article (and the links on the left hand sidebar). It’ll take no longer than 30 minutes and you’ll gain a complete understanding of the expected structure, style and content of the documentation here.

We look to the unix directive in our documentation, each documentation file does one thing and does it well with respect to the 4 quadrants.
TODO:Add example links to each of the below sections:
The entire documentation is under the docs/source tree. It is processed using sphinx, invoked using the Makefile in docs/. One can install sphinx locally, and run make to build locally and debug. The result is produced in docs/build/html:
pip install -f requirements-dev.txt
cd docs
make html
then point a browser to docs/build/html.
There is a github Actions jobs that does this on each push to appropriate branchs to update the main documentation. the main url for the resulting web-site is:
The publication process is automated by two github CI/CD actions:
run sphinx and commit the results to a gh-pages branch:
update the web-site from the branch:
It is very good to have a look at the sphinx error messages generated by the first job. There are typically hundreds of small problems to fix (links that are not quite right, broken table formatting, etc…)
Learning-oriented, specifically learning how rather than learning that.
Allow the user to learn by doing to get them started, be sure your tutorial works and users can see results immediately.
Tutorials must be reliably repeatable focused on concrete steps (not abstract concepts) with the minimum necessary explanation.
Many of the Tutorials are built using jupyter notebooks. See docs/source/Tutorials/ for how to work with them.
Problem and goal oriented: “I want to… How do I…” Differing from tutorials in that tutorials are for complete beginners, how to guides assume some knowledge and understanding with a basic setup and tools.
Provide a series of steps focused on the results of some particular problem.
Don’t explain concepts, if they are important, they can be linked to in ../Explanation/
There are multiple ways to skin a cat, remain flexible in your guide so users can see how things are done.
NAME GUIDES WELL enough to tell the user exactly what they do at a glance.
Understanding-oriented: can be equally considered discussions. Much more relaxed version of documentation where concepts are explored from a higher level or different perspectives.
Provide context, discuss alternatives and opinions while providing technical reference (for other sections).
Dictionary style.
Information oriented: code-determined descriptions of functionality.
Strictly for the man pages and direct reference of the various programs, protocols, and functions.
Information critical to the enhancement and progression of the Sarracenia project, ie: for those that are looking to develop Sarracenia.
Style guide(s)
The development process is to write up what one intends to do or have done into a reStructuredText file in /docs/Explanation/Design/. Ideally, the discussion of information there acts as a starting point which can be edited into documentation for the feature(s) as they are implemented. Each new component sr_<whatever>, needs to have relevant man pages implemented. The how to guides and tutorials should also be revised to reflect additions or changes of the new component.
Need Peter to help ID worthy information in doc/design to pull over to /docs/Explanation/Design/
Style Guide
Command line execution shall be written in the style of:
An initial comment describing the following steps or processes::
$ command 1
relevant output
$command 2
relevant output
newline relevant output
Important notes:
Initial comment ends with :: followed by an empty newline
Thereafter lies the (two space) indented code block
Commands syntax: ‘$ <cmd>’
Alternatively indicate root level commands with ‘# <cmd>’
Command output is (two space) indented from leading command.
Irrelevant lines of output may be substituted for dots or outright omitted.
pick and stick to a default header hierarchy (ie : = > ~ > - > … for title > h1 > h2 > h3… etc)
Code Style
We generally follow PEP 8 standards for code formatting, and use YAPF to automatically re-format code. One exception to PEP 8 is that we use a 119 character line length.
For docstrings in code, we are following the Google Style Guide. These docstrings will be parsed into formatted documentation by Sphinx.
Detailed examples can be found in the Napoleon Sphinx plugin’s docs and the Google Python Style Guide.
Selected examples from
class Credential:
"""An object that holds information about a credential, read from a
credential file, which has one credential per line, format::
url option1=value1, option2=value2
sftp://alice@herhost/ ssh_keyfile=/home/myself/mykeys/.ssh.id_dsa
ftp://georges:Gpass@hishost/ passive = True, binary = True
`Format Documentation. <>`_
url (urllib.parse.ParseResult): object with URL, password, etc.
ssh_keyfile (str): path to SSH key file for SFTP
passive (bool): use passive FTP mode, defaults to ``True``
binary (bool): use binary FTP mode, defaults to ``True``
tls (bool): use FTPS with TLS, defaults to ``False``
prot_p (bool): use a secure data connection for TLS
bearer_token (str): bearer token for HTTP authentication
login_method (str): force a specific login method for AMQP (PLAIN,
def __init__(self, urlstr=None):
"""Create a Credential object.
urlstr (str): a URL in string form to be parsed.
def isValid(self, url, details=None):
"""Validates a URL and Credential object. Checks for empty passwords, schemes, etc.
url (urllib.parse.ParseResult): ParseResult object for a URL.
details (sarracenia.credentials.Credential): sarra Credential object containing additional details about
the URL.
bool: ``True`` if a URL is valid, ``False`` if not.
Why rST?
reStructuredText was chosen primarily as it supports the auto-creation of a table of contents with the ‘.. contents::
’ directive.
Like many other markup languages, it also supports inline styling, tables, headings and literal blocks.
In Jupyter Notebooks, unfortunately, only Markdown is supported, elsewhere RST is great.
This project is intended to be translated in French and English at a minimum as it’s used across the Government of Canada which has these two official languages.
The French documentation has the same file structure and names as the English, but is placed under the fr/ sub-directory. It’s easiest if the documentation is produced in both languages at once. At the very least use an auto translation tool (such as deepl) to provide a starting point. Same procedure in reverse for Francophones.